
ᴲ㷞⿫ഊ • FOCAL STORY 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 7 Will It Ever Replace Human Translators? Whether or not you are a professional translator, it is natural to wonder if this type of technology will ever replace human translators? Prof Wong answers with a resounding ‘No’. He explains that this misconception derives from a lack of understanding of machine translation. ‘The intended function of machine translation is to realise automation of the process,’ he says. ‘In other words, the machine suggests a translation, but it is up to the translator to decide whether to accept or reject the suggestion based on his or her expertise.’ According to Prof Wong, the translation produced by the machine is not always dependable, so a translator plays the essential role of a gatekeeper in order to prevent embarrassing mistakes. For instance, the machine is likely to translate ‘⁶૆Գ 㐫Ĝ into ‘men’s free entry’, which is the exact opposite of the intended meaning (‘no entry for men’). Also, as Prof Wong stresses, language is always changing, so too must machine translation systems, and for that to happen, we need humans to ‘teach’ the machine. For these reasons, it is unlikely that machine translation will completely replace human translators. Prof Wong says, ‘Over the past five years, the size of the machine translation market has nearly doubled, but on the other hand, the size of the human translation market also maintains an annual growth rate of 10 per cent. When mainland China and Macao reach the same degree of internationalisation as Europe and the United States, the demand for translation services will likely double. With competent human translators, the quality is guaranteed, but humans take longer time and have limitations as to the number of languages they can handle. Machine translation is the exact opposite. It is faster and can handle multilingual projects, but tends to produce inconsistent results. The inexorable progress of globalisation brings both opportunities and challenges for human translation and machine translation. Only by embracing the merits of both options can we achieve win-win results.’ ៬ࣰ ⠻ㄹ˩˙۪́͞ ๼⠻ㄹ̏ 〴䢬ᕔ̿ ᕐ ࠏ 䢬៪࣮ 翻譯ⅰ֦ έ䢬ᕐ͝ 翻譯޹૵ᜪࡲ䢿㷊㍽ᐑእべ᳤ 䢬㐛ឺ ⅰᎨ࿖ᒴഭ៪࣮ 翻譯ⅰ˗≋⿼䢬Ǘ㐛㦕 ⏲ᇤⅰ ۆ ჋ᒴㅐ翻譯㑫 ܗ ⦨ ػ ٨䢬 ̿ܗ мዞϫ翻譯ⅰཅㄸ䢬⦮ᑜᒴ ܩ ኻ♃䢬ൄ ⾾ቋι⦨㌨ⅰനᜪε׃ᑘǎǘ͒ ቉֦ 䢬 ៪࣮ 翻譯ⅰ♺ᗈᒴ˗能↭Нⅰ䢬࿘㦘ⁱ 翻譯޹εㇰ㕵˔ⅰᇮ㠙䢬 ྩכܩ ೰ᒠ㕨 成翻譯˔ⅰⓏっ䢬଩ᣴ̒ 㩓 ߌ ೡⅰˍ כ 㐜݉ൄ ᇮ中ᐵǗ⁶૆Գ㐫ǘ䢬翻譯成 葡ᐵǗEntrada livre does homensǘ 䢨⁶૆Գ㇇㐫Մ䢩ǎ۵ૣ 䢬㷊ᐑእ㑮཯ ゞ䢬̿ 㧙ゆ〓ᒴ˗ᑘ㐫٨ⅰ䢬៪࣮ 翻譯̏ 㣍⾾˗ᑘⅰᕅᑓ䢬㐛ᑚ㤘ൄ 㣍⾾ᕔ̿ ˗ᑘঁۙ Ǘᐑǘೇ䢬् ᢪ䢬៪࣮ 翻譯˗ ۽ 能೎全ۨ̿͜ ๺翻譯ǎ 㷊㍽ᐑእゐ䢺Ǘ㐿̧ۙ ໛䢬៪࣮ 翻譯ⅰ 㕵⦮റ翻̜ Շй䢻⡈̿ ๺翻譯ⅰ຋਻䢬 ᣵ໛̏ Йቆ⮍10 ⅰઌ㟊㐡ༀǎ଩ᗈ Յঁ Ǎ澳㟑ⅰ२㢂٨␗ༀ㑅׋ᢚ⟜ⅰ᥃ 平䢬翻譯㣍ᥐധᕐйઌǎ̿ ๺翻譯䢬ᕔ ㇰ㕵Йㄕ䢬Πᆳ㣍ᒿ㟠㍦㟊䢬˜㢺͞ ᅞ͔ ૦␯ゆ〓́ 㟠ⅰ翻譯䢻៪࣮ 翻譯 ש ତ ⇀ۣ 䢬 ͞۽ ᭶㉘㐛ᑚ㤘ⅰ㣍ᥐ䢬Π翻譯 ㇰ㕵㢺͞ Йㄕǎ㤘ഭ⮍˗ ۽ 㐎㎠ⅰ˞₅ 全球٨㐫␗䢬̿ ๺翻譯Ǎ៪࣮ 翻譯䢬এ 㤘ഭ⮍㹩大ⅰቒᆨ ݶ ៪㐹䢬Շ⡃۸ᕔ⇀̥ۨ 㟊⼻≽䢬ᆾ能㈨ ܗ 㢱㈐ǎǘnj 㷊㍽ᐑእⅰ研⑟॰㡴Ỽ首൒澳㟑⏲ᇤỠᇤ⻐㐫᢫Ỡ Prof Wong Fai’s team receives the Science and Technology Progress Award at the first Macao Science and Technology Awards