
ᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑ⅰ20໛ • UM and Macao over the Past 20 Years ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 27 Surging Research Outcomes UM attaches great importance to academic research and technological innovation, with a group of dedicated and innovative researchers carrying out cutting-edge research in various areas, including cancer, engineering and materials, artificial intelligence, Chinese medical sciences, microelectronics, cognitive and brain science, data science, literature, history, social sciences, law, education, and business administration. According to statistics from the Web of Science, the number of high-quality papers published by UM scholars increased from around 140 in 2009 to more than 1,500 in 2018, a tenfold increase in ten years. The citation frequency of the published papers has increased 800 times, from 30 in 2000 to around 24,400 in 2018. The university has also established three state key laboratories with the approval of the central government. Multiple research projects conducted by the three laboratories have won international awards. In recent years, UM is actively promoting collaborative projects between the university and industry in order to promote the development of society through research. Prof Ge explains that at the core of the new research blueprint is a ‘3+3+3+3’ model, which refers to UM’s three state key laboratories, three new key research areas, three interdisciplinary research fields, and three research platforms for humanities and social science. At the same time, the university also plans to devote more resources to research fields that reflect both Macao’s distinctive characteristics and global trends. Three New Key Research Areas The three state key laboratories at UM carry out cutting-edge research in microelectronics, Chinese medicine, and Internet of Things applications for smart cities, respectively. In 1995, UM successfully developed its first microelectronic chip. Today, chip research has become a main research area at the university. The State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI has repeatedly distinguished itself at the International Solid-State Circuits Conference of the Institute of Electrical and ⊝②ᆓᗊ㨋 ڎ ᰎ૭᧘㕳ಾ⻐⊛⑟ ݶ ⏲ᇤ׼ᑓ䢬 ٸ ⡾̜ ⏲ᇤ ̿ݶ ᐵ⍹⏲ⅰ૭ຨ䢬⊛⑟㦦৴ٛ ሱ⅂⃛ Ǎ๺␗⦾ᖍᑁǍ̿ ๺ᓫ⣳Ǎ ˬ㕕ⳚǍ࿅㣊ಞǍ̿ ๺ᓫ⣳Ǎべ≷⦾ ⤾⏲ಾ۠ ᐨᎭ⏲ಾǍᐵ܀Ǎ⍹ᕐǍᧈྫྷ Ǎᐑ⢺Ǎ ࠇ ಾ⓺ǎᘽᎭ२㢂グᐵ㇒ ᑁ༄⏲∦߳ೌ Web of Science (WOS) 㧧⍵䢬ᰎ૭㭗Ⓓಾ⻐ᕧֳ グᐵⅪ⻠ᐨ ↷ⁱ2009໛ⅰ1 0૦╊ઌ⦮201 ໛ⅰ 1 00૦╊䢬Ỽཙ⁨2 000૦ᡷ䢬10 ໛㟠˔ ڌ ㈷㐿10й䢻グᐵỼཙ⁨ᡷ ᐨⁱ2000໛ⅰ 0ᡷઌ⦮201 ໛☺ 2 00ᡷ䢬ઌ؝̜ 00йǎᰎ૭㑮Ỽ २೮ᇝփᆑ⒢˓㟠२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ䢬 ⇶૦⊛⑟㦕↷㧀Ỽ२㢂Ỡ㦕䢬㏧໛ᕅ ⑆ᜲ ዁ ػ ⁥ಾ⊛㦕↷䢬͞ ⊛⑟ᕘ ؿ ⍹ ᕐǎ ⮑׸ᘪ㟊⻠⍵䢬૭ಾྉᆑ͞ Ǘ ǘ ᳤ 㬴ໟⅰᆨₗ΢ൎ䢨˓㟠२೮㕳㷞഑㬟 ೡǍ˓з㕳㷞Ⅺൠᑚ ܗ Ǎ˓з㊄ಾ⏲̳۟ 㦦৴Ǎ˓з̿ ᐵ⍹⏲⊛⑟໚ ۾ 䢩䢬 ܒ ᒿ㑮㢡ˬ؛㕵ᏳቆᑹՑᰎ㟑ḿ⨑Ǎ۞ⓟ ܎२㢂Ⅺൠᯓᨢⅰಾ⏲ᑚ ܗ ǎ ˕й㕵㷠Ⅼൢ ᑜ ܙ ˓㟠२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ֯ׄ ⡾ᴲ࿅㣊 ಞǍˬ㕕Ⳛ ݶ ᓫᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊⛆ǎឹ Ꮌ ⦾᪬܎Нⴻ㈷૭⿈ឹ 㢡ᆑ㣊㊊२೮㕳 㷞഑㬟ೡⅰ⩃Ḙ⊛⑟䢬20໛㟠ྷ 㣅㟘ୣ ׋㑅׋˞₅ נ ᦳ᥃໚ǎ199 ໛ᰎ ૭⊛Ⅺ㩼з࿅㣊ಞ⩃Ḙ䢬׋͌ ૮䢬⩃ Ḙ⊛⑟ຂᆑ᳤ ᰎ૭ⅰ˷⾾ᑚ ́ܗ ˍ䢬 ᆑᗈॺ२㢂ᡨஔⅰISSCCड़ჵ㣊㊊૭ ᕐ൨׼χ✻䢬ϟ଩ॺ2019໛Ⅺ⻠̜ Չ╊ ⩃Ḙグᐵ䢬ᐨ㕵ӄᡷ⩷ḿḑ䢨Intel䢩䢬 ⦾۵ૣ Շᆳ៪᝵˧ּ Նὸⓥ̡ 䢻ˬⳚㇰ 㕵⊛⑟२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡຂཅᆑՆὸ㦒 ♐ˬⳚ׼ᑓ໚ ۾ 䢬૦ᡷỼྲ ᰎ㟑⏲ ᇤḿׄ Ỡ˧Ỽྲ २೮⏲ᇤ㐫᢫̡ ⓺ Ỡ䢻201 ໛ᆾᆑ⒢ⅰᓫᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊ ⛆२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ כ 㢡ˬ⊛⑟ḳḳ̥ ⢊Ǎ⛆⛆⇀㐜۠͞ ḳ⢊⛆ឹ ੊᪦ༀ⸧