
UM and Macao over the Past 20 Years • ᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑ⅰ20໛ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 30 high-calibre researchers to undertake thematic projects. Rather than serving a set of established objectives, the institute will identify its priorities to reflect the latest social developments. Scholars will work in the institute on certain projects without a permanent position, and their duties will be discharged once their projects are completed. ‘The institute can also bring in distinguished scholars from outside UM to carry out short-, medium- or long-term research projects, which will promote collaboration between UM scholars and their peers from other institutions,’ Prof Ge says. Commercialisation of Research Results In 2016, UM established the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to provide a platform for faculty members and students to implement their creative ideas and commercialise their research results. Each year, around 10 to 20 entrepreneurial teams with promising business ideas are incubated in the centre. Successful examples include Macao Biotech Co., Ltd. (which has developed an innovative system that can transport stem cells at room temperature) and Tianyi Technology Co., Ltd (which focuses on the analysis and quantification of disease-related protein molecules). In order to strengthen the protection of its intellectual property, UM has established a wholly-owned subsidiary, UMTec, which is a technology company authorised by the university to manage its intellectual property as well as the development and application thereof. 㧋⊛⑟ǎ⊛⑟㡕ᕲ㌨˗〲ड़೙ⅰ⊛⑟ ↷ឱ䢬Րͭ ؿ ധ् ᅞ⍹ᕐᕍᑓⅰⅪൠ ˗ᑘㅊ٨䢬⡈㐫㪩⊛⑟㡕ⅰಾ⡃ᕐ㢡 ˬ☃؛ྷ̠ ᗬз㦕↷䢬೎ᆑ㦕↷ྭൄ ᕐ㢹㟘䢬˗ᕐဳ ຯঁ ε᳤ ⊛⑟㡕ⅰᆑ ޹ǎ͒ ⻠⍵䢺Ǘ㭗⓺⊛⑟㡕㑮 ۽ ཙՄૣ 㤘ⅰ⮍ ܓ ಾ⡃䢬ㅐ͒ мѵˍ̬ ≽Ǎ ˬᆖ㟊ᕧⅰ⊛⑟䢬Ђ㐫ᰎ૭Յૣ ಾ⡃ ⅰ܎εǎǘ ㎢٪⊝②ᆓᗊ ᰎ૭ᑜ201 ໛ᆑ⒢׼ᑓ׼ᜪˬ࿖䢬 ໓ أ ຨ⁣഑㊢׼჋ύ࿸䢬˧˜ዞϫ⊛ ⑟ᆑᗈ ࠇ ᜪ٨ⅰ໚ ۾ 䢬ᣵ໛☺ᕔ10⦮ 20з॰㡴Մ㪩䢬ՐˬԖ⏦಻٨॰㡴ٛ ሱ䢺ᰎ㟑⯵᪫⁣ḳ⏲ᇤᕔ㡉Պ܅䢨ໟ ♠⣜ຯᬱ㐼㎒☲⚕䢩Ǎ૮㜘⏲ᇤᕔ㡉 Պ܅䢨⃓⃚ ⇀㠙ⶑⅫㇰ֯ ಞⅰ֯ ᖾ ݶ ೙㕵䢩⓺ǎ᳤ ؝཯૭ಾ≷ㄤ⁥ᡨⅰЙ ㄺ ݶ ϓ⁨䢬ᰎ૭Ն㇒᎙ᕔⅰ⏲ᇤՊ܅ ᰎ૭׼⏲䢨6.5eD䢩ຂỼ〴 ۽ Նᡨ┷ ύ૭ಾⅰ≷ㄤ⁥ᡨ۠ Ր㟘Ⅺ ݶ ᅞ⁨ǎ ᰎ૭̏ ⑆ᜲ 㟘ሤॺ◼᫑ᰎ૭Ტ چ ⅰⅪ ൠ䢬Ὑᩂᰎ૭⏲ᇤ⊛⑟㡕⭵ঁ ៶ᾣൄ ᒴˍ૭⧀ዃǎε᳤ ᰎ૭㩼зॺ૭Ტ چ 〲⒢ⅰ⁥ಾ⊛⍵╈਌ঁ 䢬Ὑ⊛㡕ധϭ 〣˓ᆳ२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ۠ Ԗ ن ಾ⏲䢬 㟘ൠ⩃Ḙ〲〘Ǎᓫᄏ৪຋ḳ⢊⛆Ǎᖍ ᰎ૭⦯؛዁ ̿ػ ᐵ⍹⏲⊛⑟ UM vigorously supports research in humanities and social sciences