
ᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑ⅰ20໛ • UM and Macao over the Past 20 Years ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 35 Portugal since 2018. Earlier this year, the first joint scientific paper from this collaboration was published, and more outcomes are expected. In 2019, a UM delegation visited renowned universities in Portugal, including the University of Lisbon, the University of Coimbra, the University of Porto, and the University of Minho, in order to strengthen collaboration. The delegation also visited Manuel Heitor, minister of science, technology, and higher education of Portugal. Setting Sights on the UK Also at the core of UM’s global strategy is its relationships with English-speaking countries, especially the United Kingdom. ‘We’d like to have wider collaborations with top universities there, like Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bath, and others, in different areas of knowledge,’ says Prof Martins. In 2019, important steps like a memorandum of understanding with Imperial College London - signed in May - are opening up new opportunities for UM ್ ᥇⬷ᘪ㟊۠ 㪍〴㧔׸ᘪ㟊׋〯 ೌ ޽ሚ䢬؝཯⦾⮗ゆ२೮૭ಾⅰ⢊❠ǎ್ ᥇⬷ᘪ㟊ἐ㦦ᰎ૭͜ ⻠॰ርᕐ⮗⭉Ḧᇤ⻐⦾㭗⓺ᐑ⢺㒲㒲㟊 .BnueM )eitPr Rector Yonghua Song and Vice Rector Rui Martins visit Angola to strengthen ties with lusophone universities A UM delegation led by Rector Yonghua Song visits Manuel Heitor, minister of science, technology, and higher education of Portugal.ྭ 䢬˗റ̿ྭ ϚᎨͭ 㭗⓺ᧈ㡕ᧈ೗ ݶ ᧈಾᐑእ⓺⾾⢑ǎǘ ᰎ૭⦾⮗ゆ२೮ⅰ܎ε̏ Ꮓൠ׋๺ ␗ǍҀ༏⏲ಾ ݶ ♃◍⏲ᇤ⓺㦦৴䢬ϟ ଩ᰎ૭ॺ201 ໛㈭⦾⮗⭉Ḧ٩㒲ຌሚ ؝ⅰ२㢂͸᣹׈̭ ♃◍ᇤ⻐഑㬟ೡ܎ ε䢬͌ ໛־㩼ᡷ⢊܎Ⅺ⻠⏲ಾグᐵ䢬 㦞〘ധᕐ׼֦ ᕅ૦⏲⊛ᆑᗈǎ 2019໛䢬ᰎ૭͜ ⻠॰׋〯⮗⭉Ḧⅰ㕲 ᑒᕲ૭ಾǍ⏲⩷ຌሚ૭ಾǍ᧔ḑ९૭ ಾ ݶ ◍ോ଒૭ಾ䢬཯٨⦾㐛̬ ≷ ܓ 㡕 ᘪⅰ܎εǎ͒ м̏ ርᕐ̜ ⮗⭉Ḧᇤ⻐ ⦾㭗⓺ᐑ⢺㒲㒲㟊.BnueM )eitPrǎ ᐁ⇶⩹語४೰ ᰎ૭ⅰՆὸ┆ₗ̏ 㸇ّ Ꮓൠ⦾⩷ゆ२೮ ܎ε䢬₢ˬ͞ ⩷२ε᳤ 㩼⾾ഭㅽǎ㪍׸ ᘪ㟊⻠⍵䢺Ǘᆒмᕧᕤ⦾₢ঁ ⅰ㦒ശ૭ ಾॺ˗ ܒ ≷ㄤ㦦৴㟘ൠᕅ༴᧍ⅰ܎ε䢬 ഭㅽᕔєᐚພ२ಾ㡕Ǎვˎ਩૭ಾǍຌ 㕲ᑒᇅ૭ಾ۠ ຄᑒ૭ಾ⓺ǎǘ ᰎ૭͌ ໛዁֦̜ ˗റᑓዃᑝ䢬ٛ ሱॺ̧