
2019໛䢬᧘೙ᒴѠྲ ☶࿸ⅰˍ໛ǎ͌ ໛䢬㑕㐤ᰎ㟑ोᢵ20㐪໛䢬۞ᒴǕᰎ૭ᑓ ゆǖ׼ֳ 10㐪໛ⅰ☶࿸ǎഭᰎ૭⡈〓䢬㐿ۙ 20໛ᕍ㕳⾾ⅰ㕲␗⋱䢬ᒴॺ२೮ ݶ ᰎ㟑ḿ چ ᐀໺ⅰᏳቆ ݶ 㠙ᅽ˕䢬Ỽᎅঁ ॺ༴ᖣ⇆៶ᾣ ෍˔ཅ〲ᑓᘪ५ǎᑓᘪ५˗ӄᒴ◼ᰎ⢊܎㟘 Ⅺ៶ᾣ෍Ǘԯ⻋ԯずǘⅰ㦕↷䢬̏ ᒴᰎ㟑㭗 ⓺ᐑ⢺ⅰ׼⧀䢬ഭᰎ㟑㭗⓺ᐑ⢺Ⅺൠ㈭׋㕳 ⾾ε⁨ǎᑓᘪ५᳤̏ ᰎ૭ዞϫᕅԖ㈹ⅰ㏅ಾ ​੸഑㊢㏅ಾύ࿸䢬͝ ⊛⑟ǍᐑಾǍຨ㇒؛ 㕵Ǎ̿ ᆾ਋㨱⓺㓃ᕔ⠹૮⿂ঁ ⅰㅊ٨ǎ 20໛ נ 䢬ᰎ㟑㑮ᒴˍ༁೴೴ᴮ⢂ⅰയ৪䢬͌ ૮ຂⅪൠᆑ᳤ २㢂૭㓃ᕐ䢬⡈ᰎ૭̏ ⁱ̡ ډ ૦ ܓ ⅰಾ⁣Ꮓൠ׋έॺˍ⭤૦ ܓ ಾ⁣ⅰ⿈ឹ 䢬ຨ⁣㭗Ⓓಾ⻐ᕧֳ グᐵⅪ⻠ᐨ↷⠹̜ 10 й䢬˗റᆑᗈᕅཙ㈭२㢂ಾ⻐₅ⅰ᧘↷ǎᰎ ૭਋㨱ⅰᘪۡ̏ 㐾΢ᰎ㟑 ݶ ˞₅܋ঁ 䢬᳤ ዁ ػ ⍹ᕐⅪൠε֦̜ ˗ ۽ Ύ㕵ⅰㆱἄǎ͌ ᕧǕᰎ૭ᑓゆǖḿׄ ⽔εǕᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑ⅰ 20໛ǖന㧋ḿ㎊䢬ྷ ಾ⻐⊛⑟ǍՆὸ┆ₗǍ̿ ᆾ਋㨱Ǎᘪ५⿈ ؈ ⓺˗ ܒ ╈₮ो㧡ᰎ૭㐿ۙ 20໛ۨྲ ⅰ≯↷ᆑᗈ䢬۠͞ ኼ〛⇀㠙㦦৴ ഑ᑝⅰᑓ┆ₗ䢬଩ή㔊܎ᕰϚ⍹ᕐഭ㭗⓺ᐑ ⢺̿ ᆾⅰ㣍⾾ǎ۵ૣ 䢬ᆒм㑮〯 ̜ࠏ ૦Φ㉼ ᰎ㟑ḿ چ Սᆑ㟊ⅰ⠿ຨ ݶ ಾ⁣䢬̷֯͒ м⿇ ㄕᰎ૭ ݶ ᰎ㟑㨏㌏ㅊ٨ⅰᐃ̠ ǎ 2019 is a remarkable year. This year, Macao celebrates the 20th anniversary of the its handover to China, while our UMagazine has come to its tenth year. Of the many milestones in the development of the University of Macau (UM) over the past two decades, the most important one was its relocation to the new campus on Hengqin Island, Guangdong province, which was made possible only with the support of the central and Macao SAR governments. The cross-border new campus project was not only one of the earliest examples of Guangdong and Macao’s joint development of Hengqin Island; it also presented a creative solution for higher education expansion in Macao. Thanks to the new campus, UM is now in a much more favourable position to realise its educational ideals, with enormous progress already visible in teaching and research. 20 years ago, Macao was just a small obscure town. Today, it has become a vibrant, cosmopolitan city. The changes experienced by the university during the same period have been just as extraordinary. The number of students has surged from around 2,000 to over 10,000. The number of high-quality academic journal articles published by UM scholars has increased tenfold, with many research outcomes recognised by the international academic community. In Macao and across the world, UM alumni are making invaluable contributions to move our society forward. The theme of this issue of UMagazine is ‘UM and Macao over the Past 20 Years’. It takes us through UM's achievements in teaching, research, global affairs, campus development, and other areas. We also look at the university’s new strategies designed to meet the future demand for professionals in various fields. On a more personal note, some faculty members and students share with us their personal stories and their thoughts on Macao’s tremendous changes over the past two decades. We hope you enjoy reading this issue of UMagazine, as much as we have enjoyed producing it for you. ⛷⡅的づ EDITOR’S WORDS ཭Ⴄᾣ Katrina Cheong