
UM Members' Thoughts • ຨ⁣ი۩ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 52 ૆ಾΦ䢬Րྭ 㟘ୣۜ ⦾ˍ̬ ⊛⑟ ݶ ⻋ ᐀๺εǎ ଡべ᳤ ᒴᒿ㟠ⅰ㔊܎䢬͝ ोᢵྭ ˬ२̿ ⅰⅪൠ៪ᕐઌ૦ǎˍᑚ㤘ᒴಾᢴዞ ڌ 䢬Րᡷᒴૣ ▱⠿ຨ㢹㟘ྭ 䢬ॺ⟜२ ݶ ᑓ؝ঞ⓺ঁۨྲ ژ ૆ಾΦⅰՅঁ ݶ 㩿᫑̿ ؝Մᰎ૭䢬␯␯् ♖ϓˬ२̿ ⅰⅪൠ៪ᕐઌ૦䢬Ǘ᳤् 㑅׋૭ಾ⾾ ᥐⅰಾᢴ䢬՜؝˔ ݶ؛ؤ ᶣょ䢬૭೮ྲ ׋ᕅ૦べ ܒ ǎǘ Ǘोᢵྭ ⅰ㒄ˍͭ ᘪ㟊ᒴॶ⁣ॶ㟊ⅰ ᰎ㟑̿ 䢬͞ ྩנ ૦ˬ㭗♐⢑Φ ݶ ಾ㡕 ┷ύ൪㓃ᒴૣ २̿ 䢬⡈ॺोᢵྭ ᘪᑚ ഑ᑝⅰˍ☲ּ ᏼ㤛䢬͝ ૭ಾྲ ׋Ꮓ ൠ䢬᳤ ᕲঁ۠ 㓱㏧ঁ چ ⅰˬ२̿ 㐢ൄ̜ ᕅ૦៪ᕐǎǘ㷑ᐑእॺ2001໛ቄ׋ 㕷⸧ಾ ژ ૆ಾΦྭ 䢬 ܒ ໛ᓅ أ ᳤ڌ ύ ᐑእ䢬ᆑ᳤̿ ⁣ˍз㕳⾾ⅰ㕲␗⋱ǎ͠ 學⡅㌪Ͱㆳἆ澳門⍻ᕒ 㷑ᐑእ㟊ᕧ⊛⑟㧮㢍┷ύ⦾഑㭓ᕧ ᡨǍ㕷⸧☲⚕⑖೙۠ ⻋᳤ 㕷⸧ಾ䢬⊛ ⑟ᆑᗈ൨Ỽᣃ᝝䢬ٛ ሱॺ201 ໛Ỽ२ 㢂ᡨஔಾ⻐ᕧֳ Ǖ˗ ػ ⁥⚭ᰳ ಾǖ㦠 ⅪǗ&EXin 4 .iMMT ᕍχグᐵỠǘǎଡ ᒴಾ⻐ᕧֳ Ǖ२㢂ᆲঁ ⁥⊛⑟ǖ˷⛵Ǎ do something for Macao, so I stayed,’ she says, crediting her smooth academic career to the free academic atmosphere of the university. While teaching at UM, she studied for a PhD degree at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She obtained the degree in 2001 and became more involved in research and administrative work at UM. According to Prof Lai, the handover of Macao created more opportunities for Chinese scholars to develop their careers at UM, for two reasons. First, Chinese scholars began to have stronger academic backgrounds. Second, many foreign faculty members left UM after the city’s handover and their positions became vacant. These positions were later filled by scholars from mainland China and Hong Kong, many of whom had obtained PhD degrees from the United States or Singapore. ‘Chinese scholars could already meet the academic requirements of the university, and they were also hard-working and passionate for their work, so they began to receive more recognition,’ says Prof Lai. ‘The first rector of UM after the handover was a native of Macao,’ says Prof Lai. ‘Before the handover, many mid-level and senior positions, as well as positions in the top management of the faculties, were held by foreigners. After the handover, the university implemented a series of reforms to create room for development and opportunities for Chinese scholars in Macao and its neighbouring regions.’ Prof Lai obtained her PhD degree in finance in 2001 and was promoted to assistant professor the same year. It was an important milestone in her life. Contributing to Macao as a Scholar Prof Lai is a long-time researcher of risk management, real options, and the stability of financial systems. She has received many awards, including the 2017 Edwin S Mills Real Estate Economics Best Paper Award. In addition to her positions at UM, she is also the executive editor of the journal International Real Estate Review, executive director of the Asian Real Estate Society (president from 2006 to 2007), executive director and founding member of the Global Chinese Real Estate Congress, and a life member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. 㷑ഒᐑእ Prof Rose Neng Lai