
ຨ⁣ი۩ • UM Members' Thoughts ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 53 After her return to Macao in 1992, Prof Lai always hoped to contribute to the local society in her capacity as a scholar. But it was not until 2009 that she received her first invitation from a local association to conduct a study of Macao’s housing policy, although she was interviewed by Hong Kong media about Macao’s real estate market as early as 2006. And for that housing policy project, she was required to work with scholars from Hong Kong, which made her ask herself, ‘Why do we need help from Hong Kong to study matters in Macao?’ Later, after the release of some research reports from that project, she began to be approached more frequently by local organisations and interviewed more often by the local media. ‘Gradually, people began to see the value of the opinions of local scholars,’ she says. ‘After Macao’s handover, local scholars had more and more opportunities to participate in local projects and use their expertise to address local issues.’ Last year, she received invitations to conduct three local projects. Despite a hectic schedule, she accepted all of them. ‘I think it is very meaningful to be able to contribute to the local society through research,’ she says. ‘I am not doing it for money, I’m doing it for a sense of mission. The sense of accomplishment that I get from these projects is priceless.’̭ ᨓᆲঁ ⁥ಾᕐύ̠ 㟊䢨̵᳤ 200 200 ˷ຩ䢩Ǎ˞₅⬷̿ ˗ ػ ⁥ಾᕐຯ ؿ ύ̠۠ ׼ᕐᕐ޹䢨̵᳤ 2011 2012 ˷ຩ䢩䢬۠ؐ͞ ៗ૭ಾԱ⭎ḑಾਓ♰ ㌨ᆑ޹ǎ ૦໛Ϛ䢬ଡˍ↽ຒᕤ⁨ಾ⡃ⅰ㌨ͮ ㆱ ἄᰎ㟑⍹ᕐǎଡ⻠⍵䢬ᑾॺ200 ໛ ຂᕔ㩿᫑ః㭓ൄ ᰎ㟑ᆲঁ ⁥຋਻ⅰㄸ 㧋〯 ࠏ ଡ䢬׋2009໛ᆾ㩼ᡷᏹ׋ˍз ॰㭓㠙ᑜ⊛⑟ᰎ㟑ᆲൗ᐀┆ⅰ㦕↷㑪 エ䢬 ڱ ᒴ㉼㩿᫑ⅰಾ⡃܎ε䢬ㅐଡՅ ࿖ᕔз₶ ࠏ 䢺Ǘ᳤ 㷃ᰎ㟑ⅰ̠⾾ᇢ 㩿᫑̿ ѵ䢿ǘॺଡۜ ⦾ⅰˍ̬ ⊛⑟ਸ݉ Ⅺ΢ྭ 䢬㈹Ϛ㈹૦ᕲঁ ៪᝵㉼ଡ኿ 」䢬̏ ᕔᕅ૦ᕲঁ ః㭓〯 ࠏ ଡ䢬Ǘᄊ ᄊᆒⅪέ䢬ᰎ㟑⍹ᕐ኿۩̜ ᰎ㟑ᕲঁ ⅰ⢍㦆ǎोᢵྭ ᰎ㟑ⅰⅪൠ̵͝ ᰎ㟑̿ ૦̜ ᇢᕲঁ ಾ⻐₅̿ ૆ۙۜ ⦾ˍ̬ 㦕↷ ۙݶ ⿼᥼ˍ̬ നᜪ ࠏ 㧋ǎǘ 㷑ᐑእゐ䢬ۙ ໛ᕔ˓зᕲঁ 㦕↷ ܒ ᒿ ኿」ଡ䢬㢮ᴿྩ ࿥䢬ΠՆ㒲኿̜ 䢬Ǘ᳤् ᆒ⿦ྲྩ ᕔ჋⟳䢬 ͞۽ ⁨ᆒⅰ⊛ ⑟ਸ݉ ໓׋ᰎ㟑⍹ᕐǎ˗ᒴ᳤् ͞۽ ㇾ㚓䢬⡈ᒴ᳤̜ ˍͮ ϓ ݪ ი䢬 ͞۽ ᄯ ⦨ກⅰനᜪ᳤ ᰎ㟑ⅰⅪൠ֦ ˍ֯ ؛䢬 㒄ͮ ᆑൄ იᒴᴮӯⅰǎǘ 㷑ഒᐑእ2019໛ ኿ͭ ᰎ૭᝝ㄿಾ㡕㡕㟊 Prof Rose Neng Lai was appointed dean of UM’s Honours College in 2019