
UM Members' Thoughts • ຨ⁣ი۩ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 58 ⧀澳大ˏ ܔ ᆓ㟌 1991໛䢬ຂ⼕᐀໺ᏹ㈀ⅰᖣ̭ ૭ಾᏼ ᳤ܓ ᰎ㟑૭ಾ䢬ᗄᐑእ₢໛ᆑ᳤ ˬᐵ ಾ㡕ˬᐵҵ჋ゔ␗㩼൒ಾ⁣䢬㏧㉻㢹 ⇎׋ധ⦮ⅰोᢵ଩ήྕ 㦏ᕲঁ 㭗⓺ᐑ ⢺ǎǗ㒄ᒿྩ ૦ゔ␗㓃ᒴ᳤̜ ਋㨱ᕲঁ̿ ᆾ⡈〲䢬ϟ଩ՊՍ⻋᐀ゔ␗ ۆ ԯ ॺᑻ㟠⁨⩷ᐵᐑಾ䢬˗˽ൄ ㅊᆑᓏ㟠͞ ˬᐵእゔ䢬˷⾾ᒴ਋〠Պ ؿ ޹ǎǘൄ ㅂᰎ૭ᒿ䢬ᗄᐑእ׋̜ ᰎ㟑༴ᎊ㣊 ⿍⢮ͮ ᕔ㡉Պ܅഑⠗ ݶ ๺ε䢬ₔᜪྭ 㑮₍ॺつՊ܅♟⑆〤⡃⚭㬟䢬199 ໛ ो׋ᰎ૭ᆑ᳤ أ ᐑ䢬⠑໛ ᳤ڌ ロຨ䢬 ܒ ᒿ͎ ॺᰎ༴⿍Քͭ ˷ቆ ݶ ↮⽔䢬ㆯ ㆺˍзᣵ㐪ᎊ֦ Ǎ ᳤ܓ Ǘ⿇ㄕोᢵǘ ⅰ㣊⿍╆↷䢬↽⦮1999໛ǎ Ǘ199 ໛ᆒՄ⢑ᰎ૭ᒿ䢬ᆒм˗⁨̳ ⊛⑟ਸ݉ 䢬1999໛㟘ୣ ⾾ѵ⊛⑟䢬 ₢ᒿⅰ̠̿ ב ༀᑚ㤘̏ ᕔ̜ ㅊ٨䢬ϟ ଩⾾ᥐロຨॺ቉೙໛ᕧՅۨྲ ژ ૆ಾ Φǎǘ㐛̬ ᏼㅊ↽኿዁ ̜ػ ଡᏽㅂ ژ ૆䢬⊛⑟ᰎ㟑ॺˬ२㏧͜ ਸᜪ܀ⅰ⿮ ⨑ǎ201 ໛䢬ଡⅰ⮍εǕˬ२㏧͜ ਸ ᜪⅰ㈭㷞ĚĚᰎ㟑ᑓ⢂֦ ḙ܀ 1 1 0䢩ǖ֦ ḙ䢬੤⼻̜ ˬ२ᑓ⢂܀˔ ᰎ㟑㒲֯ ⅰᢴ܀③Ⅻǎ to do stage acting. The trip opened my horizons and I knew I had to go to college.’ Growing Together with UM In 1991, UEA was acquired by the local government and was renamed ‘University of Macau’. As one of the first cohort of students in UM’s Chinese communication programme, Prof Lam witnessed how the imminent handover of Macao had an influence on higher education in the city. ‘Many programmes were offered to nurture local professionals,’ says Prof Lam. ‘For example, the public administration programme was first offered as a daytime programme taught in English. It was then changed to a nighttime Chinese programme with the aim of training civil servants.’ As a UM student, Prof Lam interned at TDM, a public broadcasting services provider in Macao, and worked there as a journalist after graduation. In 1997, Prof Lam returned to UM as a teaching assistant and was promoted to the position of lecturer the year after. Concurrently, she was the TV host and executive producer of a weekly TV programme titled ‘Witnessing the Handover’, until the year of 1999. ‘When I joined UM in 1997, faculty members were not required to submit research reports. Starting in 1999, we were required to conduct research. There were also changes in the personnel systems,’ says Prof Lam. ‘For example, lecturers were required to obtain a PhD degree within a certain period of time.’ These changes encouraged her to pursue a PhD degree, for which she studied the role of Macao in modern Chinese press history. In 2015, Prof Lam published her book The Beginning of the Modern Chinese Press History: Macau Press History 15571840. The book compensated for the former absence of Macao in accounts of Chinese press history. In the past two decades, Prof Lam and her colleagues established the Department of Communication. She once served as the coordinator of the Bachelor of Social Sciences in Journalism and Public Communication programme. Recommended by ᗄἒ㲉ᐑእProf Agnes Lam