
UM Members' Thoughts • ຨ⁣ი۩ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 62 translation between Chinese and Portuguese were virtually nonexistent. So we had to start from scratch and develop many core technologies by ourselves. Second, this is an interdisciplinary research area that involves computer science and language. Fortunately, UM had strong resources in both fields. Faculty members and students from the Department of Portuguese were involved in the entire process, from data input to proofreading and testing.’ Looking back, Prof Wong notes that UM has played a crucial role in cultivating professionals in machine translation. ‘Most of those who are now working in manual or machine translation that involves the Portuguese language in Macao or mainland China either graduated from UM or have been trained by our graduates,’ he says. Next Goal: Voice Translation The year 2019 marks the 20th anniversary of Macao’s handover to China. This year, Prof Wong and his team from the NLP2CT launched UM-CAT – the latest Chinese-Portuguese-English online translation system that can effectively assist professional translators by producing smart fulltext translation with a high degree of accuracy. The team’s next goal is to tackle the challenge of voice translation between Chinese and Portuguese. ‘As a spin-off of machine translation, voice translation is considered to be the most commercially promising area in the next five years,’ says Prof Wong. Currently, the NLP2CT is working to develop a smart conference translation system that can accurately identify and translate the languages used in a multilingual conference to enhance the efficiency of the conference process. The system is expected to be launched for the mass market in the near future. 㷊ᐑእ⇀Н䢬͒ ⅰ⊛⑟॰㡴ᒴԬ֯ ׈⁨̜ ᰎ㟑ोᢵ נ ⅰǗ૮ᒿঁ ׈̿ ݶ ǘ䢬⏬ ቆ⮍ഭ נ ᦳ⏲ᇤⅰ㐅ᥐ䢬׼ᑓ㟘Ⅺ̜ ˬ ⮗៪࣮ ⠹ㄷᇤ⻐໚ ۾ ǎǗ㩼ԯ䢬⦾ˬ ⩷៪࣮ ⠹ㄷ˗ ܒ 䢬ˬ⮗៪࣮ ⠹ㄷ♖ᖍ ᒴˍḘ③Ⅻ䢬ྩ ૦ᘼ࿖ᇤ⻐㓃㣍⾾⦨ ກˍᆼˍ⥈⊛ⅪǎՐᡷ䢬㐛ᒴ̳۟ ಾ ⏲ⅰ⊛⑟䢬㢹˗㟘㣊⤾ ݶ ゆ〓㐛Շ૭ നᜪ䢬₢ᒿᰎ૭ൄ ᕔᢪԖ ن 䢬̿ ᐵಾ 㡕⮗ᐵ☲ຨ⁣ྷ 㟘Ⅺ׋㇒ᑁ㎒ՄǍᘪ ഭ ݶ ᫎず䢬㓃⛛೸ۜ ⦾ǎǘो㩼㐛20 ໛䢬ᰎ૭ॺ਋⢺៪࣮ ⠹ㄷ̿ ᆾ˔؜˗ ۽ ᦒ䢬Ǘ˗グᰎ㟑ᆖՅঁ 䢬૭೮㓃≷㑄 ૭૦ྷ̠ ⮗ᐵ⠹ㄷǍ៪࣮ ⠹ㄷⅰ䢬㓃 ᒴᰎ૭ⅰྰ ཟ䢬 ⦮ྰ ಲǎǘ ∭ᬠ語㦈⠻ㄹ 2019໛䢬ᰎ㟑ोᢵ20㐪໛́ 㢂䢬㷊ᐑ እ⦾NLP2CT॰㡴዁֦ Ǘॺ⛨ˬ⮗⩷㍴ أ ⠹ㄷ໚ ۾ ǘ䢨UM-CAT䢩䢬᳤ ˬ⮗⩷ 㢱ゆᆖ˓ゆ̥ ㄷዞϫᕅനᜪǍᬞ⌒လ ᕅ㭗ⅰՆᐵᓫ⣳⠹ㄷǎ॰㡴˕ˍз↷ ឱᒴᏽԱˬ⮗⩷ゆ㦆⠹ㄷ㦦৴ǎǗゆ 㦆⠹ㄷ̏ ⼕べ᳤ ᒴᕰϚ̧ ໛ՅᕍՑ ࠇ ᜪᯂ؛ⅰǎǘ㷊ᐑእ㐓㣷䢬NLP2CTᢩ ⑆ᜲ ⊛ⅪǗᕐㄸᓫ⣳⠹ㄷ☲⚕ǘ䢬 ۽ ᭶㉘૦਻ᓡ ܒ ҵ̳̥ 㭓㬟䢬⇀㠙☲⚕ 㦞〘˗˽ ۽ ϫ૭⇶ϓ⁨ǎ