
ຨ⁣ი۩ • UM Members' Thoughts ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 63 Great Determination to Succeed Prof Mak is a professor in UM’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, associate director (research) of the State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, and associate dean of the Institute of Microelectronics. From the outset, he decided to study electrical engineering and electronics out of interest. ‘My undergraduate years opened my eyes to a new discipline, laying a solid foundation for my further study. I found that advanced scientific research is demanding. To succeed in research, you just can’t be too determined,’ he says. Ǚλ˙ほ⇞െ㎔ǚ 㶱ᦚᴿᒴᰎ૭㣊៪۠ 㣊⤾๺␗☲ᐑ እǍឹ Ꮌ⦾᪬܎Нⴻ㈷૭⿈ឹ 㢡ᆑ㣊 ㊊२೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ䢨⊛⑟䢩׸˷ͭ Ǎ ࿅㣊ಞ⊛⑟㡕׸㡕㟊ǎ͒ ゐ₢־Сㅂ 㣊៪۠ 㣊ಞ๺␗䢬೎Նᒴ֦ ᑜ⦿㉋ǎ Ǘᕲ⏲⚋ᆒⅰᕍ૭ი۩ᒴᇃତ਌⍓䢬ྷ ᕰ≷׋≷㑄㐛з㦦৴ǎۙ ׋ྭ ᕧ䢬 ᆒⅪέ ۆ Ϛ㭗൪ᡷⅰ⏲ಾഭ⊛⑟̿ ޹ ⅰ᥃໚ᕔྩ 㭗ⅰ⾾ᥐ䢬˗ᒴべ⇜ൄ ㎒̜ ǚ䢬⡈ᒴι˗べ⇜ൄ ㎒ǎǚ 㶳ᦜᵁ䣀 ॼ澳大學⠙和⊝②⩅Ḛ20年 Elvis Mak: 20 Years of Studying Microchips at UM Macao has thrived over the past 20 years since its handover to China in 1999, when Prof Elvis Mak Pui In began his journey studying and researching microchips at the University of Macau (UM). An internationally acclaimed expert in integrated circuits, Prof Mak was the first Macao native to be elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. ‘UM gives me great opportunities to study subjects of my interest, for which I am most grateful,’ he says. ᰎ㟑ोᢵ20໛䢬ၓତᒴ㶱ᦚᴿॺᰎ㟑૭ಾಾ⠗ ݶ ⊛⑟⩃Ḙⅰ20໛ǎ͒ ॺ1999໛ Մㅂᰎ૭䢬͌ ᑻຂᒴ२㢂㦒ശⅰ㢡ᆑ㣊㊊㦦৴ന೮䢬ᕅᒴ㩼Φᰎ㟑ॶ⁣ॶ㟊ⅰ२ 㢂㣊៪㣊ಞ๺␗ຨಾᕐᕐ૆ǎǗიᰚᰎ૭⚋̞ ᆒ㐛㷃૭ⅰ⊛⑟③㟠䢬ㅐᆒ഑㊢ი ⦿㉋ⅰ̠ ႌǎǘ Chinese & English Text | Davis Ipğ Photo | Jack Ho, with some provided by the interviewee ᐵ ] ⮀ᨶ⁶ğ ९ ] ήᖢ໚䢬㒲֯ ⁱ۩〯⡃ዞϫ