
UM Members' Thoughts • ຨ⁣ი۩ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 64 With passion and determination, Prof Mak remained at UM for his doctoral research and became a faculty member in 2006. His personal growth coincided with some remarkable changes in the local society. With the city’s steady economic growth since the handover, the local government stepped up its support for scientific research and established the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDTC in its Portuguese acronym) in 2004. ‘Without FDTC’s support, it would have been difficult for us to achieve what we have achieved,’ says Prof Mak. Stronger Team at the State Key Laboratory In 2003, UM’s Vice Rector Rui Martins, who was Prof Mak’s supervisor, founded the Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI Laboratory, which was elevated to the status of a state key laboratory in 2011. Prof Mak says, ‘After gaining this recognition, we received greater support from the FDTC and saw much progress in the recruitment of students and staff.’ Before UM’s relocation to its current campus on Hengqin Island in 2014, the state key laboratory on the old Taipa campus lacked space, which hindered its development. ‘Nobody thought that we would reach our current size,’ says Prof Mak. ‘Without the new campus, we would not have achieved our current results and size. Today, we have over ten professors and 80 students, 60 of whom are PhD students. I would say that our size has increased fivefold or tenfold.’ ४೰㕵㷠ഓ㬡ೣ ᆓെॲ㡶 ᄯ⮍ˍͮ ⦿㉋ ݶ べ⇜䢬㶱ᐑእ₍ᘪᏽ ㅂ ژ ૆䢬200 ໛㈭ॺᰎ૭ͭ ᐑ䢬㐛 ᣡᢴ␗˗ӄۣ ᒨ͒ ⅰᆑ㟊䢬̏ ᇺഥ̜ ᰎ㟑ोᢵྭ ⅰㅊ٨ǎ͒ ־׋ᰎ૭ᒿ䢬 ᰎ㟑ॺ㣊ಞ๺␗⊛⑟˔ ۽ ブॺᑾᕧ㡷 ᣡ䢬Π㢋⮍ोᢵྭ ⚭ᰳ ᑻ↞ઌ㟊䢬᐀ ໺̏ ؝૭̜ ഭ⏲⊛ⅰᏳቆ䢬ٛ ሱॺ 200 ໛〲⒢⏲ಾᇤ⻐Ⅺൠ਌㕷ǎǗ଩ ᗈᦒᕔ⏲ᇤ਌㕷ⅰᏳቆ䢬ᆒ⇀Нᦒᕔ ㏅ᧈѵ׋᣹㍦ତⅰᆑᗈǎǘ 200 ໛䢬㶱ᐑእⅰമຨǍᰎ૭׸ᘪ㟊 㪍〴㧔ᐑእ׼ཅឹ Ꮌ⦾᪬܎Нⴻ㈷૭ ⿈ឹ 㢡ᆑ㣊㊊഑㬟ೡ䢬2011໛ ڌ ᙀ᳤ २೮㕳㷞഑㬟ೡ䢬㶱ᐑእˍ↽ۜ ⦾Ր ˬǎǗᕔ㐛зべ ۽ 䢬⏲ᇤ਌㕷Ͼ ͞۽ ᕅ૭؛ঁ Ᏻቆᆒмⅰ⊛⑟䢬ᆒмॺᏹ ⁣ ݶ ሬ⡽ᑚ㤘̏ ᕔ㟊㉘㐫᢫ǎǘ ˗㐿䢬ॺᰎ૭201 ໛㑡Մέᒿⅰᘪ५ נ 䢬Φᑜ᥈͐ ⧁ᘪ५ⅰ२೮㕳㷞഑㬟 ೡঁ ᑚ㍦റ䢬㡉 ̜ב ೇⅰⅪൠ③㟠ǎ Ǘ₢ᒿᦒᕔ̿ 㦞ᕧᕐⅪൠ׋͌ ૮ⅰ⿈ឹ ǎᦒᕔᑓᘪ५䢬ൄ ᦒᕔ͌ ૮ⅰⅪൠ ݶ ⿈ឹ 䢬έॺ㐛⼿ᕔ10૦Φ⠿ຨ䢬 0 ૦Φಾ⁣䢬Րˬᕔ㏧ 0 ܓ 㓃ᒴ ژ ૆ಾ ⁣䢬଩ᗈˍ೙⾾㕵٨ⅰっ䢬ᆒмⅰ⿈ឹ ᒴ₢ᒿⅰ ⦮10йǎǘ 㶱ᦚᴿᐑእᒴ㩼Φᰎ㟑 ॶ⁣ॶ㟊ⅰ२㢂㣊៪㣊ಞ๺␗ຨಾᕐᕐ૆ Prof Elvis Mak is the first native of Macao to be elected a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers