
ຨ⁣ი۩ • UM Members' Thoughts ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 65 Nurturing Students for Long-term Contribution With over 260 published journal papers, Prof Mak’s achievements have been recognised internationally, but he thinks that academic papers, no matter how well-written they are, will eventually become outdated. What truly matters is nurturing students who can make consistent contributions to society. He has supervised over 20 PhD students, all of whom are working at world-class universities or companies. ‘A former student joined an American company right after his graduation, with an annual salary of 1.5 million patacas. Why would an American company want to hire a Chinese engineer? It is simply because our graduates meet their requirements,’ he says. While American companies pay a highly competitive salary to attract the best researchers, Prof Mak hopes that the state key laboratory will help the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to retain the best scientists and technologists. He says, ‘In the next five to ten years, we hope to encourage talented people to stay in the Greater Bay Area, as well as to nurture enterprises and top-tier research teams. Professors in Macao will help our students build up their skills and knowledge. These students can then make scientific contributions on the frontline and create a well-established industry in the Greater Bay Area.’ ਍㨳學⁥η㟌㑐ㆳἆ 㶱ᐑእᢴ໛ϚⅪ⻠㐴2 0╊ಾ⻐グ ᐵ䢬ҥ۩२㢂⢸೙䢬Π͒ べ᳤ グᐵഖྲ ՜ତ䢬♰⑟̏ ᕐ㐿ᒿ䢻⇀ۣ 䢬਋㨱֦ ତⅰಾ⁣䢬ൄ ⣳ㅐ͒ мॺ⍹ᕐ⒢ ㉘Ǎቆ❼ঁ ㆱἄ⍹ᕐǎ㐿ۙ 10૦໛䢬͒ ቉മ̜ ㈷㐿20 ژܓ ૆⁣䢬ₔᜪྭ 㓃 ॺ˞₅ˍᨢⅰ૭ಾǍͱᜪ๺εǎǗᆒ ᕔˍΦಾ⁣ ש ₔᜪൄ Ỽ⟜२ⅰՊ܅⡽ エ䢬໛ⲫ1 0⭤ᰎ㟑Ԫǎ⟜२Պ܅᳤ 㷃⾾エˍзˬ२̿ ѵ๺␗ຨ ݑ 䢿┄ᙋྩ ▐ ࡘ 䢬ൄ ᒴᆒмⅰಾ⁣᥃໚㑅׋͒ мⅰ⾾ᥐǎǘ 㶱ᐑእゐ䢬⟜२ͱᜪ㧔჋͔֦ Ԗ ۂ ⅰ ⲫ㔤䢬೰ᒠܻ ཙᕍˍᨢⅰ⏲⊛̿ ᆾ䢬 Π͒ ᕧᕤ഑㬟ೡ أږ ͞۽ ◼᫑ᰎ૭Ტ ₍چ Ψ⏲ᇤ̿ ᆾǎǗധԖ⏦ⅰ̿ ᆾ₍ ॺᲢ چ 䢬׼㐢ͱᜪǍ׼㐢㦒ശⅰ⊛⑟ ॰㡴䢬ᒴᕰϚ ⦮10໛ຒᕤѵⅰǎॺᰎ 㟑ⅰ⠿ຨ ͞۽ ᒴಾ⁣ᇤ⻐ⅰ጖▩䢬ᆒ мⅰₔᜪ⁣ᒴㆱἄ⏲⊛ⅰˬਖ䢬ᴿྭ ՜᳤ Ტ چ ಢ⢺ᆑᶔⅰ⁥ᜪǎǘ ᰎ૭ⅰ⩃Ḙ⊛⑟॰㡴㈫⟜२ۜ ؝ⓥ ൒२㢂ड़ჵ㣊㊊ ⊛〛ᕐ˧Ⅺ⻠⊛⑟ᆑᗈ UM's microchips research team present their findings at the 66th International Solid-State Circuits