
UM Members' Thoughts • ຨ⁣ი۩ 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 • ᰎ૭ᑓゆ 66 ॼ澳大ㅄᕊ的Ǚ् ᢷഡഡǚ UM Students Born in 1999 ᐵ ] ཭ვ⬷Ǎ↨Ⴄဖğ ९ ] ཭ვ⬷Ǎ㇒᪦ᘪ५〤⡃㡡㟊⣳䢬㒲֯ ⁱ۩〯⡃ዞϫ Chinese Text | Ella Cheong, Debby Sengğ Photo | | Ella Cheong, Senior UM Reporter Lyon Tan, with some provided by the interviewees 1999໛֦ ⁣ⅰǗोᢵടടǘΑ㢋ᰎ㟑ḿ چ ˍ㈭ᆑ㟊䢬ഭᰎ㟑㐛Ḙॶ⁣ॶ㟊ⅰঁ ᑚ Ԭ᭶იႌǎ㐛ᇝ໛㍵̿͌ ૮ຂ⚭㟊૭ᆑ̿ 䢬㐫Մ૭ಾಾ⠗䢬₢ˬᕔ̬ ⡁Մ̜ ᰎ㟑 ૭ಾǎ˗˽ധϚ䢬͒ мധᕐᇷ㌨⍹ᕐǍᆑ᳤ Ᏻ፳ᰎ㟑ᕰϚⅪൠⅰᑓ؛㕵ǎोᅎ㐿ۙ 20㍫⦾ᰎ㟑ⅰՍ⁣ᢱᕓ䢬㐛ὥ໛㍵̿ ഭз̿ ⅰᆑ㟊Ǎᰎ㟑⍹ᕐⅰⅪൠ ݶ ૭ಾⅰ ᐑ⢺ᕔήი۩䢿 In 1999, Macao was handed over to China and the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) was established. Those who were born in Macao in 1999 have, in a sense, grown together with the city. Today, these young people have reached the age to attend college, and some of them have chosen to study at UM. Soon, they will graduate and become pillars of society. In this article, we interview some of these students to learn their thoughts about their personal growth and the development of Macao over the past two decades, as well as their expectations for their university education.