
ຨ⁣ი۩ • UM Members' Thoughts ᰎ૭ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 21 71 Increased Resources to Support Students’ Development Lei Ka Chon is a third-year student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. He feels that since Macao’s handover, the SAR government has consistently increased its investment in education, one example of which is its support for the residential college system implemented at UM after the university’s relocation to the current campus. Lei praises the RC system, saying: ‘Students should not focus exclusively on studying textbook knowledge; they should also try to make more friends. This is where the RC system comes in. It provides an ideal environment for community and peer education, and allows students to meet people from different countries and backgrounds.’ Lei is an excellent chess player. He has represented Macao at various chess competitions, including the Asian Indoor Games. He is also an active member of student organisations. He believes that UM’s abundant resources and its emphasis on global experience and global perspective will give the students a major competitive advantage whether they choose to find a job or pursue further education in the future. ೡ䢬㐛̬ 㓃⣳૭૭ዞ ڌ ಾ⻐᥃໚䢬ܻ ཙ̿ ᆾϚᰎ䢬Ђ㐫ᰎ㟑ᐑ⢺Ⅺൠǎǘ ઎ᐓ⢼㇔ᬜ إ 學⁥Ⅼൢ ॶᕯ۠ ​੸๺␗☲˓໛♐ಾ⁣ᖋࢤЈ ゐ䢬ᰎ㟑ोᢵྭ 䢬᐀໺ቆ❼ઌ؝ᇷ᏿ ॺᐑ⢺ⅰ㇒ᬚ䢬ϟ଩ᰎ૭㑡Մᑓᘪ५ྭ Ն㤘ཙՄΨೱཕᕈ㡕 ב ༀ䢬഑έՆ̿ ᐑ⢺䢺Ǘಾ⁣˗⣳۸ന᧘ಾ⠗ᕈᕲ ⅰ≷ㄤ䢬૭ಾᕧ㟠ᅞつᏃ㠌⍹̳ ॥ ಞǎᕈ㡕ᢩ ତዞϫ⍹⟮ಾ⠗ⅰ​੸䢬 ㅐಾ⁣ॺゔྭ べㄤྩ ૦Ϛ⦨˗ ܒ २ ▱Ǎ໛♐ ݶ നᜪⅰ ܒ ಾǎǘ ᖋࢤЈᒴˍ ܓ २㢂ㅽᚦତᆼ䢬ᕋ͜ ⻠ᰎ 㟑ۜ ؝̭ ᨓೡՅ㐼 ػ ᕐ⓺㈁̠ 䢬̵ ᨜㌏ ᑜ૦зಾ⁣⍹॰ǎ͒ ゐ䢺Ǘᰎ૭᎙ᕔㅳ ೼㇒ᬚ䢬۞㕳⿍ಾ⁣ⅰ२㢂⿍㕴䢬ॺ㐛 ⼿ಾ⠗ ͞۽ Ꮓൠ̿ ⣼䢬㐛ᒴᰎ૭ಾ⁣ധ Ϛൄ ᜪᆖ ڌ ಾᒿⅰˍ૭Ԗ ن ǎǘ ᖋࢤЈ Lei Ka Chon ኡ̡ ⛁⌔ ⿫⇎〯ゥḘᣡ Scan the QR code to watch the video interview