
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 8 及材料工程研究院搭建國際先進的納米 生物光學研究平台,促進與大學腫瘤研 究團隊的深入合作,加速碳點癌症診療 項目的研究進程等。 頂尖癌症研究團隊 癌症是目前澳門的10大死因之首,隨著 人口逐漸老化,這一趨勢還將繼續,因 此在澳門加強癌症研究是當務之急。目 前,澳大匯聚研究不同癌症範疇的頂尖 專家,包括鄧初夏教授、沈漢明教授、 王山鳴教授、鄭文華教授、張仲榮教 授、狄利俊教授、沈仲燮教授、郭珩輝 教授、袁振教授、劉子銘教授、陳新教 授、陳修平教授、李子安教授、代雲路 教授等。 澳大的癌症研究團隊以腫瘤精準醫療為 主攻方向,在抑制乳腺癌轉移和復發的 新機制、用細胞自噬抑制劑治療乳癌、 通過大規模人群基因突變檢測預防癌 症、以青蒿素及其衍生物治療眼科腫 瘤、治療前列腺癌的新機制、以激素替 代療法與化療法相結合治療卵巢癌、遺 傳學理論在結腸直腸癌治療中的應用、 新型抗體降低肺癌抗藥性、新型多功能 藥物助力腫瘤光動力療法、以多光子活 體顯微術探究黑色素瘤血管新生動態、 納米技術抑制卵巢癌轉移、納米粒子運 載藥物高溫摧毀癌細胞、結合中藥天然 化合物提升癌症免疫治療效果、中藥誘 導癌細胞程序性壞死,以及數位微流控 技術助篩選腫瘤藥物等範疇深入研究, 取得多項突破性發展。 建設跨學科研究平台 澳大正在向國家教育部申請建立一個腫 瘤精準醫學領域的前沿研究中心,通過 健康科學學院、科技學院、中華醫藥研 究院及應用物理及材料工程研究院之間 的合作,專注精準腫瘤學跨學科研究。 中心旨在成為澳門以至粵港澳大灣區癌 症免疫學和精準腫瘤學研究的國際領先 中心,以滿足未來十年因人均壽命延長 而衍生對癌症研究和相關人員不斷增長 的需求。 A Top-notch Cancer Research Team Cancer is currently one of the ten leading causes of death in Macao, and this trend is expected to continue with the ageing of the population in the city. For this reason, it is imperative to strengthen cancer research in Macao. UM boasts leading experts specialising in different aspects of cancer research. They include Prof Deng Chuxia, Prof Shen Hanming, Prof Wang San Ming, Prof Zheng Wenhua, Prof Edwin Cheung Chong Wing, Prof Di Lijun, Prof Shim Joong Sup, Prof Henry Kwok Hang Fai, Prof Yuan Zhen, Prof Liu Tzu‑Ming, Prof Chen Xin, Prof Chen Xiuping, Prof Leo Lee Tsz On, and Prof Dai Yunlu. UM’s cancer research team has already achieved multiple breakthroughs in the following areas: inhibiting breast cancer metastasis and recurrence, treating breast cancer with autophagy inhibitors, preventing cancer through large-scale populational genetic testing, treating ophthalmic tumours with artemisinin and its derivatives, discovering a new mechanism for prostate cancer treatment, combining hormone replacement therapy with chemotherapy for ovarian cancer treatment, applying genetic theory in colorectal cancer treatment, reducing drug resistance in lung cancer by developing new inhibitory antibodies, developing a novel multifunctional drug for tumour photodynamic therapy, improving precision medicine for cancer treatment by using the multiphoton microscopy system to observe the microenvironment of tumours, inhibiting ovarian cancer metastasis with nanotechnology, destroying cancer cells at high temperatures by using nanoparticles as drug carriers, enhancing the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy with natural compounds of traditional Chinese medicine, inducing necroptosis of cancer cells with Chinese medicine, and creating a digital microfluidics system for cancer drug screening. Establishing an Interdisciplinary Research Platform UM is currently applying to the Ministry of Education to establish a cutting-edge research centre in the field of precision medicine for cancer treatment. FHS, FST, ICMS, and IAPME collaborate with one another to carry out interdisciplinary research in this field. The aim is to create an internationally leading centre for cancer immunology and precision medicine for cancer treatment in Macao and the Guangdong-Hong