
封面專題•COVER STORY 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 13 鄧初夏教授2014年起出任健康科學學院院長。在1995至2014年於美國國立衛生研究院任終身研究員和遺傳研究 室主任。長期深入研究乳腺癌的發生發展、耐藥和轉移的分子機制,已發表SCI期刊論文380餘篇。 陳強博士是健康科學學院高級導師,主要研究癌症發展及代謝疾病等。他從廈門大學細胞生物學專業哲學博士學位 畢業,曾在美國國立衛生研究院進行博士後培訓。 Prof Deng Chuxia assumed office as the dean of FHS in 2014. Between 1995 and 2014, he served as a tenured researcher at the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the director of its genetics research laboratory. Prof Deng has been long involved in the studies of the molecular mechanisms for breast cancer occurrence and development, drug resistance, and metastasis. He has published over 380 research papers in SCI-indexed journals. Dr Chen Qiang is a senior instructor in FHS. His main research interests are cancer development and metabolic disorders. He obtained his PhD degree in cell biology from Xiamen University and received post-doctoral training at the NIH. 精準對症治病 所有癌症都有機會轉移和復發,情況因 人而異。鄧教授補充指出,有些人在手 術前或癌症初期腫瘤就發生轉移,有些 人則是在手術後促進了細胞激素、生長 因子和炎症因子的表達,刺激腫瘤的生 長,令癌症復發。鄧教授強調,只有以 癌症病患為軸心,透過檢測和分析癌症 基因的特徵,發掘其致癌機理,才能精 確對症下藥,這就是愈趨普及的精準醫 療,也是澳大生物醫學一直努力的研究 方向。 未來五年,鄧教授將帶領研究癌症的團 隊,構建澳門及周邊地區幾種高發腫瘤 的生物庫,並繼續針對乳腺癌、鼻咽 癌、大腸癌、肝癌和肺癌等的突變基 因,進行更多致癌機理及預防治療的研 究。與此同時,他們以精準醫療方法, 研究癌症驅動基因的作用機理,以及開 展癌症個性化治療。他說:「澳大的研 究經驗不僅可以服務澳門,也可推廣到 整個粵港澳大灣區,貢獻人類健康。」 Precision Medicine for Cancer Treatment All cancers can metastasise and recur, and the situation often varies from person to person. Prof Deng says that some people have metastasised tumours before surgery or during the early stage of cancer, while others experience cancer recurrence after surgery because the surgery promoted the expression of cytokines, growth factors, and inflammatory factors, which stimulated the growth of tumours and caused cancer to recur. For this reason, Prof Deng stresses that only by identifying the characteristics of cancer genes and the carcinogenic mechanism can researchers develop tailor-made treatment for the individual patient. This is known as ‘precision medicine’, one of the key research areas at UM. In the next five years, Prof Deng plans to lead his research team to build a biobank of several high-risk cancers in Macao and neighbouring regions. The team will focus on cancer-causing mutant genes for breast cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, colorectal cancer, liver cancer, and lung cancer, in order to identify the carcinogenic mechanism and develop preventive therapies. At the same time, they will apply precision medicine to identify the mechanism of action of cancer driver genes, and to develop personalised cancer treatment. He says, ‘UM’s research experience not only can serve Macao, but can also be extended to the Greater Bay Area to make a contribution to the health of more people.’