
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 16 Prof Wang San Ming’s research team in the Faculty of Health Sciences recently completed a three-year study on cancer prevention in Chinese population. This study determined the frequency of mutation-carrying and the number of carriers of BRCA1/BRCA2 gene mutations in the Chinese population, and laid a solid foundation for cancer prevention through large-scale populational genetic testing. The related paper, titled ‘Prevalence of BRCA1/BRCA2 Pathogenic Mutation in Chinese Han Population’, has been published in the Journal of Medical Genetics, a sub-journal of the British Medical Journal. 健康科學學院王山鳴教授的研究團隊,最近完成了一項歷時三年的中國人群癌症 預防研究。該研究確定了中國人群中BRCA1/BRCA2基因突變的攜帶頻率和攜帶 者數量,為在中國人群中運用大規模人群基因突變檢測進行癌症預防打下堅實基 礎。有關這項研究的論文題為《中國漢族人群BRCA1/BRCA2致病性突變的攜帶 率》在《英國醫學雜誌》子刊《醫學遺傳學雜誌》發表。 通過大規模人群基因突變檢測預防癌症 Preventing Cancer Through Large-scale Populational Genetic Testing 文/張愛華‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 English Translation / Ruby Chen ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee 王山鳴教授與研究生把血液樣本放進DNA自動提取儀 Prof Wang San Ming and his student put blood samples into the automatic DNA extraction instrument