
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 18 Prof Zheng Wenhua in the Faculty of Health Sciences has studied artemisinin for many years. He has found that artemisinin and its derivatives play an important role in preventing and treating cancer growth and metastasis. The Chinese scientist Tu Youyou said, ‘Artemisinin is a gift of traditional Chinese medicine to the world.’ Prof Zheng has many years of experience studying the mechanism for using artemisinin to treat disease. He was the first to discover that artemisinin has a neuroprotective effect against cell damage caused by oxidative stress, and may become a therapeutic agent for central nervous system diseases. Following the discovery of the neuroprotective effect of artemisinin, Prof Zheng’s team is now studying the role and the action mechanisms of artemisinin, and its derivatives, in the prevention and treatment of cancer, especially the relatively rare eye cancer. ‘We 健康科學學院教授鄭文華研究青蒿素多 年,發現青蒿素及其衍生物在預防和治 療癌症生長和轉移中起到重要作用。 華人科學家屠呦呦稱「青蒿素是中國傳 統醫藥獻給世界的一份禮物」。鄭教授 在探索青蒿素治病機制上積累了多年經 驗,原創性發現青蒿素能對抗氧化應激 導致的細胞損傷,有保護神經作用,可 能成為中樞神經疾病治療用藥。 在發現青蒿素保護神經作用的研究基 礎上,鄭教授的團隊最近聚焦青蒿素 及其衍生物用於癌症的防治,尤其是 治療罕見眼科腫瘤的作用和機制。 他說:「我們已組建了包括惡性眼科 腫瘤在內的多種腫瘤的細胞和動物模 型,發現青蒿素及其衍生物可以抑制 腫瘤細胞的生長和轉移,並延長動物 The chemical structure of artemisinin (A), artemisinin powder (B) and Artemisia annua (C), from which artemisinin is isolated. 圖A是青蒿素的化學結構;圖 B是青蒿素粉末;圖C是黃花 蒿,青蒿素來自於此。 以青蒿素及其衍生物治療眼科腫瘤 Artemisinin and Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Eye Cancer 文/張愛華‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 English Translation / Ruby Chen ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee