
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 28 PDT involves three components, namely light, oxygen, and light-sensitive drugs called photosensitisers, says Prof Yuan, who is also the interim head of the Centre for Cognitive and Brain Sciences. To perform PDT, medical professionals inject photosensitisers into the patient’s body, wait for the drugs to accumulate in the cancer cells, and then shine the light of a particular wavelength onto the treatment areas to activate the photosensitisers to convert oxygen in the tumour tissue. This process generates an active form of oxygen that destroys nearby cancer cells. 光動力療法的三個主要元素是光、氧 氣和藥物(光敏劑)。袁教授說,醫 療人員通常首先將光敏劑注入癌症患 者體內,等待光敏劑在癌細胞中積 聚,然後向癌細胞發射特定波長的光 線。這些光線可以激活光敏劑,並將 本來在腫瘤組織的氧氣轉化為可以殺 死癌細胞的活性氧。 袁教授表示,光動力療法的副作用通常 袁振教授團隊研發的光敏劑UNMM‑Ce6‑ATO‑PEG的 合成路線和光動力抗癌機制 The synthesis process of the UNMM-Ce6-ATO-PEG photosensitiser, developed by Prof Yuan Zhen’s team, and the photodynamic mechanism by which it kills cancer cells. Two groups of researchers at the University of Macau (UM) and Shenzhen University (SZU) have developed a new multifunctional photosensitiser to make tumour diagnosis and photodynamic therapy (PDT) more effective. The UM group is led by Associate Professor Yuan Zhen in the Faculty of Health Sciences, and the other group is led by Prof Qu Junle at SZU. 健康科學學院副教授、認知與腦科學研究中心代主任袁振的研究團隊與深圳大學 屈軍樂教授的課題組合作,開發了一種新型的多功能光敏劑,有望提升腫瘤診斷 和光動力治療的成效。 新型多功能藥物助力腫瘤光動力療法 A Novel Multifunctional Drug for Tumour Photodynamic Therapy 文/葉浩男‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 Chinese & English Text / Davis Ip ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee