
COVER STORY•封面專題 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 38 Prof Chen says there are two forms of cell death: programmed and non-programmed. ‘Programmed cell death’ refers to cell death controlled by specific genes and proteins, such as apoptosis, which is analogous to the natural death of a person. ‘Unprogrammed cell death’ refers to the sudden 陳教授用「人生自古誰無死」形容細胞 如人。他解釋,細胞死亡有程序性和非 程序性兩種,程序性是指細胞受特定基 因、蛋白控制的死亡方式,如「凋亡」 (Apoptosis),類似人之自然死亡; 非程序性則是細胞處於極端環境的突然 Chen Xiuping, associate professor in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, along with his research team, is working to develop new strategies for treating cancer with Chinese medicine based on non-apoptotic ‘programmed necrosis’ of cancer cells (otherwise known as ‘necroptosis’, which means genetically controlled cell death). 中華醫藥研究院副教授陳修平及其團隊研究基於非凋亡的程序性壞死 (Necroptosis)的中藥抗癌新策略。 中藥誘導癌細胞程序性壞死 Inducing Necroptosis of Cancer Cells with Chinese Medicine 文/余偉業‧圖/編輯部,部分由受訪者提供 English Translation / Ruby Chen ‧ Photo / Editorial Board with some provided by the interviewee