
專題探討•TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 43 A University-level, Cross-faculty Research Platform Founded in 2019, IAS is headed by UM Vice Rector Prof Billy So, who serves as the institute’s interim director. He is a historian who specialises in the legal, maritime, and socio-economic history of China. According to Prof So, IAS will coordinate the efforts of various faculties, including the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Business Administration, Faculty of Education, and Faculty of Law, to share vital resources and optimise research capabilities. He adds that the institute will recruit top-tier scholars to work on special research projects. In response to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area, the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) hopes to develop the city into a centre for exchange and cooperation with Chinese culture as the mainstream and the coexistence of different cultures. This initiative certainly requires comprehensive and cross-disciplinary support. According to Prof So, the establishment of IAS is part of UM’s effort to seize the historic opportunities presented by the integration of the cities in the Greater Bay Area, and IAS will leverage the city’s geographical advantage, its inclusiveness, and its cultural diversity. A ‘3+3+3+3’ Strategic Research Structure UM has formulated a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research structure. The four ‘3’s in the strategy refer to the university’s three state key laboratories (for integrated circuits, Chinese medical sciences, and internet of things for smart cities, respectively ), three new key research areas (precision medicine for cancer treatment, advanced materials, and regional oceanography), three interdisciplinary research fields (artificial intelligence, cognitive and brain science, and data science), and three research platforms for the humanities and social science (IAS, Centre for Macau Studies, and Asia‑Pacific Academy of Economics and Management). In all these areas, UM supports cutting-edge research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the integration of new technologies. Developing Research Clusters in Three Key Areas As a research platform in the humanities and social sciences, IAS hopes to enhance UM’s interdisciplinary research and develop an integrated, internationalised, and competitive academic platform. IAS has identified three keys areas where research clusters will be developed, namely Chinese civilisation 打造跨越學院疆界的校級研究平台 高研院是澳大學術單位之一,2019年 底成立,由澳大副校長蘇基朗教授兼任 代院長。蘇教授是歷史學家,專長中國 法制史、海洋史和社會經濟史等跨學科 領域。他表示,高研院將會統籌人文學 院、社會科學學院、工商管理學院、教 育學院和法學院的精英研究力量,引進 高端人文社科人才,開展專題研究。 因應粵港澳大灣區發展,澳門特別行政 區正在打造以中華文化為主流、多元文 化共存的交流合作基地,需要人文社會 科學為之提供綜合性的、跨學科的理論 支持和制度基礎。蘇教授認為,高研院 的設立,正是牢牢把握灣區深度融合、 協同發展這一歷史機遇,充分利用特區 的地理區位優勢,努力發揚澳門中西結 合、兼容並包的社會傳統。 澳大制定了「3+3+3+3」研究戰略 佈局,包括三間國家重點實驗室(中 藥質量研究、模擬與混合信號超大規 模集成電路、智慧城市物聯網)、三 個重點發展方向(精準醫療、先進材 料、區域海洋)、三個跨學科交叉領 域(認知與腦科學、人工智能與機器 人、數據科學)、三個人文社科研究 平台(人文社科高等研究院、澳門研究 中心、亞太經濟與管理研究所)。在這 些領域,澳大重點研究世界尖端學術問 題、鼓勵跨學科合作,打破學科壁壘, 結合人文社會科學和現代科技。 開展三大專項研究領域的團隊建設 作為人文社科研究平台,高研院將一步 推動人文社科的跨領域和跨學科研究, 構建高水準、跨學科、國際化、富有競 爭力的綜合學術研究平台。 高研院將展開三個重大專項研究領域 的團隊建設,包括中華文明與文化交 流、文理滙流創新機、環球視野下的 澳門。蘇教授說:「這三項重大專項 研究領域,以頂層設計的方式,邀請 個別研究有成的校內學者為主持人, 「3+3+3+3」為骨幹的研究戰略佈局