
專題探討•TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 45 Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities and Social Sciences. Together, they support Macao’s effort to become a regional, or even global, cultural exchange centre. Furthermore, two research centres at UM are now official partners of two Ministry of Education Key Research Institutes in Humanities and Social Sciences. Prof So says, ‘IAS is dedicated to promoting university-wide research in the humanities and social sciences, nurturing young talent, and stimulating collaboration between humanities and sciences. It also aspires to be a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary local think tank that generates theoretical and empirical studies in different policy fields. These efforts intend to support the sustainable development of Macao, and to enhance the SAR’s participation in the development of the Greater Bay Area.’ Fellowship Scheme Targeted at Scholars at Home and Abroad IAS has launched a Fellowship Scheme to encourage top scholars at home and abroad to conduct cutting-edge research at UM as IAS fellows, and to promote research and exchange in humanities and social sciences in Macao. The scheme is divided into two categories, for regular UM staff and applicants who are not regular staff. The scheme provides outstanding UM scholars who are nearing the completion of their research projects with funding to help them complete their academic works. The other category is for senior or leading scholars from outside the university. It also aims to nurture excellent young scholars by enabling them to work with senior visiting scholars and UM scholars at IAS. Visiting scholars will receive different levels of funding from UM based on the specific dimensions of their visiting programmes and personal backgrounds. 澳門居民對中國歷史文化的認識。澳大 崇文樓滙聚高研院、澳門研究中心、中 國歷史文化中心、孔子學院、中葡雙語 教學暨培訓中心、藝術設計中心及澳門 中小學生人文社科教育基地等富實力的 人文社科教研單位,全力促進澳門成為 大灣區以至世界的中外文化交流中心。 此外,澳大也是國家教育部人文社科重 點研究夥伴基地,大力加強在人文社科 領域的發展。 蘇教授強調說:「高研院不僅促進大學 範圍內的人文和社科研究,培養學有所 成的青年才俊,推廣人文和科技領域的 跨界合作,還以回饋澳門社會為己任, 透過建構跨領域的綜合性本地智庫,通 過不同政策範疇的理論開發和實證調 研,以期為澳門特區行穩致遠、融入灣 區並參與灣區建設,儘力作出貢獻。」 高研院設立了「駐院學人計劃」,吸引 海內外人文社科頂尖學者訪駐澳大,與 澳大學者一同探究高端人文學術課題, 促進澳門人文社科學術的研究與交流。 「駐院學人計劃」分為校內學人及訪問 學人兩類,接受校內外學者申請。校內 學人計劃為研究成果即將結項的優秀澳 大學者提供代課經費等條件,協助其順 利完成卓越學術著作。訪問學人計劃 為校外資深或領軍學者而設,同時亦培 養優秀年輕學者,讓後者有機會與資深 學人及澳大學者,在高研院日夕問學, 切磋砥礪,互相啟發。來訪學者或致力 研究團隊建設,或在澳大高研院專心著 述,均不難巧遇同道中人。根據訪問計 劃及資歷,來訪學者將獲得澳大不同程 度的資助。 崇文樓內匯聚富實力的人文社科教研單位 The Cultural Building houses several important academic units in humanities and social sciences 掃二維碼或瀏覽 瞭解「駐院學人計劃」詳情 Scan the QR code or visit to learn more about the Fellowship Scheme 「駐院學人計劃」吸引海內外人文社科 學者