
人物專訪•EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 47 E-mental Health Intervention During the pandemic, Prof Hall worked with a team comprised of three professors of psychiatry and clinical psychology, as well as six professional psychotherapists and counsellors from the university’s Psychological Counselling Centre. Collaborating with the Social Welfare Bureau of the Macao SAR government, the team provided psychological counselling to those being quarantined, via telephone, online messages, as well as other audio and video technology, to help them cope with emotional stress. In addition, the team provided mental health support and held information sessions for those working on the frontlines. Prof Hall conducts research in global and community mental health and leads his research group to work with the World Health Organization (WHO) on projects that aim to improve people’s physical and mental health. Prof Hall also examines health inequalities among ethnic minority and migrant groups. He observes that migrant workers worldwide are more vulnerable to health and safety risks during the coronavirus disease outbreak, as they encounter more barriers to accessing health services in host countries (eg, inadequate health insurance). Prof Hall co-authored two research papers on this topic, which were published in February by the Lancet, a leading global medical journal1. 數碼心理健康干預 疫情期間,賀教授與澳大其他專家組成 的心理輔導專業團隊,包括三名澳大精 神科和臨床心理學教授、六名心理輔導 中心專業心理治療師和輔導人員,與澳 門特區政府社會工作局合作,為隔離人 士及工作人員提供心理輔導,包括電話 輔導、網上訊息、語音及視頻輔導,舒 緩他們的情緒壓力,同時為相關工作人 員提供心理支援和解說會等。 賀教授一直研究全球與社區心理健康, 帶領澳大團隊與世界衛生組織合作,開 展公共健康的相關研究,改善大眾的身 心健康。他還研究存在於少數族裔和 移民群體間的健康不平等現象。疫情期 間,他觀察到全世界的外勞人口健康保 障更容易受到影響,因為他們在逗留工 作的國家尋求治療時,會遇到更多障礙 (如健康保險不足)。賀教授亦就此與 專家探討,並合著了兩篇研究論文,獲 權威醫學期刊《柳葉刀》刊登1。 賀教授把世衛的數碼心理健康干預項目 「Step-by-Step」引進澳門,並進行文 化適應調整。「Step-by-Step」是一項 心理健康手機應用程式,以數碼化的心 理干預手段,為難以獲得適切情緒疏導 的人士提供服務。賀教授認為,澳門和 大灣區其它地方的社區心理健康服務嚴 重供不應求,臨床心理學家的數目始終 不足應付需求,是嚴峻的社會問題。 「再宏觀一點地說,中國有14億人口, 需求龐大,因此數碼化心理健康介入是 解決辦法之一。」目前,研究團隊正以 身處澳門的內地學生和勞工,以及菲律 賓勞工為對象,為「Step-by-Step」進 行嚴謹的隨機對照試驗,評估數碼心理 健康干預的有效性,以滿足多元社會對 心理健康服務的需求。 帶領學生走進社區 賀教授的研究方向多元廣泛,當中涉及 危機時的心理健康情況。例如2017年 颱風「天鴿」吹襲澳門,造成史無前例 的破壞和影響。研究團隊在風災後一個 賀佰恩教授指導的學生參與2018美國心理學會年度國際研討會,並獲頒最佳 學生海報獎。 Prof Brian Hall’s students win best student poster awards for their senior honours thesis poster presentations at the 2018 Convention of the American Psychological Association