
澳門大學近年在學術研究上騰飛精進, 更形成了包括科技創新和人文社科領域的 「3+3+3+3」研究戰略佈局。在眾多卓越 研究領域中,2013年才從零起步的腫瘤精 準醫療至今已匯聚一群頂尖的專家學者。 他們結合跨學科創新技術,進行深入的癌 症基礎研究,更取得了多項矚目的創新成 果,備受學術界關注和認同。 今期的封面專題聚焦在癌症研究,我們訪 問了17位來自健康科學學院、中華醫藥研 究院、微電子研究院的專家,剖析他們各 自範疇的研究項目如何通過創新技術提升 癌症精準診療的成效。 在人文社科方面,新成立的人文社科高等 研究院致力打造跨越學院疆界的校級研究 平台,並計劃引進高端人文社科人才開展 專題研究。我們訪問了兼任該研究院代院 長的蘇基朗副校長,介紹研究院的發展和 戰略佈局。 新型冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐全球,心理學系副教 授賀佰恩與澳大專家組成一支九人的心理輔 導專業團隊,為隔離人士及工作人員提供心 理輔導。長期關注心理健康問題的賀教授, 在專訪裡娓娓道出他的教研故事。「寶劍鋒 從磨礪出,梅花香自苦寒來。」應用物理及 材料工程研究院的孫國星教授是首位提出用 水泥製造最便宜的納米顆粒、研發出破世界 紀錄先進材料的專家,他以其刻苦求學的勵 志經歷,道出了堅持是研究成功的關鍵。 在「學術研究」專欄中,微電子研究院助理 教授李家明、法學院高級導師翁文挺分別撰 文分享最新研究成果。 In recent years, the academic research of the University of Macau (UM) has progressed in leaps and bounds, with a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research structure gradually taking shape. A particularly noteworthy research field at UM is precision medicine for cancer research. The university initiated research in precision medicine in 2013, and today it has developed a team of leading experts in the field. Working together and adopting a multidisciplinary approach, these experts have achieved many impressive results that are widely recognised in academia. This issue’s cover story focuses on cancer research. We interview 17 experts in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, and Institute of Microelectronics. They discuss how their ongoing research projects hold the promise for improving cancer treatment by using the latest technologies in precision medicine. On the front of humanities and social sciences, the newly established Institute of Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences is committed to creating a university-level research platform that breaks down the boundaries of different disciplines. In this issue, we talk to Vice Rector Billy So, who is also the interim director of the institute, about how the institute plans to recruit high-calibre talent to carry out special research projects, as well as the strategic plan for the institute’s future development. With the novel coronavirus raging across the globe earlier this year, many people, especially frontline workers and those in quarantine, found themselves grappling with a silent problem— mental health issues. Prof Brian Hall in the Department of Psychology rose to the challenge and, along with eight other UM experts, he formed a psychological counselling team to provide counselling to people in need. In this issue, Prof Hall shares his research findings on mental health, a subject of his perennial interest. Prof Sun Guoxing in the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering was the first in the world to propose using cement to make the world’s cheapest, mass-producible nanoparticles. Interestingly, as a brilliant researcher who has developed a world-record-breaking material, Sun was quite unimpressive in his college years and monopolised the bottom spot in his class. If you want a real-life example that proves persistence is the key to success, you need to look no further than Prof Sun’s story. Other articles not to be missed in this issue include those featured in the ‘Academic Research’ column, which discuss the latest research findings by Lei Ka Meng, an assistant professor in the Institute of Microelectronics, and Iong Man Teng, a senior instructor in the Faculty of Law. 編者的話 EDITOR’S WORDS 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong