
人物專訪•EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 49 believes that each significant piece of information signifies an actual person and it is important to understand the people behind the data. The research group has partnered with the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Macao and Caritas Macau to study the potential risks for HIV and syphilis. Prof Hall and his students have provided quick diagnostic tests on HIV and syphilis in the community and conducted a study using a representative sample of nearly 2,000 migrant Filipino and Indonesian women in Macao3. This was the largest study of its kind, and yielded information about the sexual, physical, and mental health of the population. Prof Hall and his students have also collaborated with the Fuhong Society of Macau on a study on the caregiving burden and mental health condition of Chinese caregivers of people with intellectual and mental disabilities in Macao. It was the first time that Prof Hall and his students provided such diagnostic tests in research in Macao, so they were trained by public health nurses prior to launching the outreach intervention services. On the day of the interview, there were many test suites piled up at the entrance of his office. ‘For me, there is no ivory tower,’ says Prof Hall. ‘UM is a place where people should work together on projects that are consequential for Macao and the Greater Bay Area.’ 和精神殘疾人士的華人所承受的負擔和 心理健康狀況進行調查。 由於這是賀教授首次在澳從事該方面的 研究,因此他與團隊事先接受公共衛生 護士訓練,學習進行病毒測試,接觸不 同的大眾。因為測試套件眾多,採訪當 日堆滿他的辦公室門口。對學生而言, 這是一個難能可貴、生命影響生命的體 驗。而對賀教授來說,「科研從來都沒 有象牙塔,澳大是一個注重研究與服務 相融合的地方,只要你願意,澳門和大 灣區其它地方還有很多重要的項目,等 著你來共同開展。」 掃二維碼 觀看訪談片段 Scan the QR code to watch the interview 賀佰恩教授發表了200餘篇SSCI期刊論文和書籍章節,是世界衛生組織全球心理健康領域的首位研究員, 曾為中國科學院和北京心理健康重點實驗室的國際研究員。2019年當選為美國心理學會會士,是該會唯一 來自澳門的會士。曾獲約翰.霍普金斯大學布隆博格公共衛生學院頒授傑出導師獎。2020年初加入世衛西 太平洋區非正式專家組,開展與新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情相關的社區研究。 Prof Brian Hall has published over 200 articles and book chapters in SSCI-indexed journals. He is an inaugural fellow in global mental health of the World Health Organization, and a former international fellow at the Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. He was elected a fellow of the American Psychological Association in 2019, and is the only fellow from Macao. Prof Hall has received the Excellence in Advising Award from the Centre for Global Health of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Most recently, Prof Hall joined the WHO Western Pacific Region informal expert group on community engagement in COVID-19. 1. Liem, A., Wang, C., Wariyanti, Y., Laktin, C., & Hall, B. J. (2020). The neglected health of international migrant workers in the COVID‑19 epidemic. Lancet Psychiatry, 7, 4:e20. Bodomo, A., Liem, A., Lin, L., Hall, B. J. (2020). How African migrants in China cope with barriers to health care. Lancet Public Health, 5, 4:PE192. 2. Shi, W. & Hall, B. J. (in press). Help‑Seeking Preferences among Chinese College Students Exposed to a Natural Disaster: A Person-Centered Approach. European Journal of Psychotraumatology Hall, B. J., Xiong, Y., Yip, P. S. Y., Lao, C., Shi, W., Sou, E. K. L., Chang, K., Wang, L., & Lam, A.I.F (2019). The association between disaster exposure and media use on posttraumatic stress disorder following Typhoon Hato in Macao, China. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10:1, 1558709. 3. Hall, B. J., Yang, X., Huang, L., Yi, Grace, Chan, E. W. W., Tucker, J. D., & Latkin, C. (2020). Barriers and facilitators of rapid HIV and syphilis testing uptake among Filipino transnational migrants in China. AIDS and Behavior, 24, 418‑427.