
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW•人物專訪 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 54 Thanks to his solid knowledge of chemical technology, in June 2013, less than a month after he joined Prof Li’s group, Sun discovered some chemical technologies that can be applied to the field of building materials. Three months later, he published his first research article on materials in a SCI‑indexed journal. To this day, he still remembers the excitement he felt when he first discovered five‑nanometre particles in cement suspension under an electronic microscope. Following that discovery, he became the first in the world to propose the use of cement to make the world’s cheapest, mass-producible nanoparticles. ‘That was when I began to realise that product innovation and theoretical innovation were what I was best at,’ he says. Sun completed his PhD programme in civil engineering within a year and a half. After graduation, he first worked as a research and development engineer at Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (NAMI) in Hong Kong while simultaneously holding a part‑time position as a postdoctoral researcher at HKUST. Within two years, he created two inventions, an innovative nano-foam that can remain stable in the air for up to two years and a lightweight and high-strength foamed cement made from the nano-foam. 完成博士學位,他給我的指導直接形成 了我現在的科研和管理理念。」土木工 程領域為孫教授開拓一片新的天空,他 形容就像「發現新大陸」。 由於擁有紮實的化工理論,孫國星在 2013年6月加入李宗津教授組的第一個 月,就發現了一些能夠應用在建築材料 領域的化學手段,三個月後發表第一篇 材料研究的SCI論文。他還記得當時第 一次在電子顯微鏡房間,發現能從水泥 這種建築材料中找出只有五納米大小的 顆粒時那種振奮感,他更因此成為世界 上首位提出用水泥製造世界上最便宜、 能夠量產的納米顆粒的人,「我當時開 始洞悉到,自己最擅長是做一些產品創 新和理論創新的研究。」 孫國星用了一年半時間取得土木工程博 士學位。博士畢業後,他先到香港納米 及先進材料研發院有限公司任研發工程 師,同時在香港科技大學做兼職博士後 研究,兩年間就有兩個創新發明,包括 能在空氣中穩定存在兩年的納米泡沫, 以及以之製備的輕質高強度泡沫水泥。 孫國星教授(第三排左一)大四時參與一場學術會議,到澳大後始發現同場合照中有澳大應用物理及材料工程研究院院長湯子康教授(第一 排左三),當時二人互不認識。 Prof Sun Guoxing (3rd row, 1st from left) participates in an academic conference during his senior year in college. It was not until after he joined UM that he realised that one professor in a group photo taken at that conference was IAPME Director Prof Tang Zikang (1st row, 3rd from left).