
人物專訪•EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 55 A Strong Motivation for Research In 2017, Sun visited UM for the first time and fell in love with its academic ambience. Later, he decided to join UM. He has worked with his mentor Prof Li Zongjin on research projects and postgraduate training. So far, they have jointly supervised more than 20 doctoral and postdoctoral students. ‘Research has always been my greatest passion, and being able to give back to society with research makes it even better,’ says Prof Sun. Transforming research results into products that are useful to society has always been the driving force behind Prof Sun’s research. Earlier, Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute established a demonstration base for industry-academia collaboration in Hengqin, Zhuhai, in Guangdong province. Prof Sun quickly saw the opportunity. He plans to set up a small production line in the research institute so he can use the products developed as intermediate raw materials such as a water-absorbing swelling agent, which he hopes can be applied in the future to farmland water retention and desert management. ‘We plan to first produce the swelling agent in the form of powder and then find some companies that make water‑absorbent resins to produce products for everyday use, such as diapers or farmland water-retaining agents,’ he says. ‘We plan to launch the products onto the market with Zhuhai Gaolan Port Industrial Park, which is the biggest industrial park in western Guangdong.’ Prof Sun has found the space for innovation in an interdisciplinary field. As he often says to his students: ‘As long as you don’t give up, you will succeed eventually.’ He looks at the road ahead with confidence and excitement, saying: ‘There is still a vast uncharted territory for me to explore.’ 研究的動力 2017年孫國星因一次機遇到訪澳大,即 愛上這裡的學術環境,後來就有了在澳 大的故事,還和他的恩師李宗津教授相 遇,再度攜手探索未知的研究項目。目 前他和李教授聯合培養20餘位博士生及 博士後,「研究一直是我最想做的事, 把研究回饋社會更是我最大的心願。」 把研究轉化為對社會有用的東西,一直 是孫教授的研究動力。依托珠海澳大科 技研究院在橫琴建立的產學研示範基 地,他已計劃在珠研院的先進材料研發 中心設立小型生產線,定位是把研發的 產品作為中間原料,例如吸水膨脹劑, 希望將來應用到農田保水、沙漠治理等 方面。「我們計劃先以粉劑的形式在珠 研院生產,然後再找一些做吸水樹脂的 企業,直接生產民用產品,例如尿不濕 或農田保水劑等,我們已計劃跟粵西最 大的工業基地——珠海高欄港工業園合 作把產品推出市場。」 孫教授在交叉學科領域找到了創新點, 正如他經常對學生所言:「只要不放 棄,就會成功!」在研究路上,他很有 信心地說:「前面還有一大片未知的課 題等著我去開發。」 孫國星教授研究方向為高分子、水泥基納米複合材料,高分子結晶、混凝土外加劑、水泥水化製造納米粒 子增強高分子水凝膠、納米粒子穩固泡沫等。首位提出用水泥製造最便宜、能夠量產的納米顆粒。已發表學 術論文50餘篇,作為第一或主要發明人申請中國發明專利六項(已獲授權一項),獲授權美國發明專利一 項。2019年獲國際先進材料協會頒授國際先進材料科學家獎章。 Prof Sun Guoxing’s main research interests include polymer cement-based nanocomposites, polymer crystallisation, concrete admixtures, preparing nanoparticle-reinforced polymer hydrogels via cement hydration, and nanoparticle-stabilised foams. He was the first to propose the use of cement to make the cheapest, mass-producible nanoparticles. He has published more than 50 academic papers and has applied for six Chinese invention patents (one already granted) as the first or main inventor, and he holds one US invention patent. In 2019, he received the Scientist Medal from the International Advanced Materials Association. 掃二維碼 觀看訪談片段 Scan the QR code to watch the interview