
CONTENTS 目錄 2020年 | 總第22期 Spring/Summer 2020 | Issue 22 封面專題 COVER STORY 06 澳大腫瘤精準醫療取得突破性進展 UM Achieves Breakthroughs in Tumour Precision Medicine 10 抑制乳腺癌轉移和復發的新機制 A New Mechanism for Inhibiting Breast Cancer Metastasis and Recurrence 14 用細胞自噬抑制劑治療乳腺癌 Treating Breast Cancer with Autophagy Inhibitors 16 通過大規模人群基因突變檢測預防癌症 Preventing Cancer Through Large-scale Populational Genetic Testing 18 以青蒿素及其衍生物治療眼科腫瘤 Artemisinin and Its Derivatives in the Treatment of Eye Cancer 20 治療前列腺癌的新機制 A New Mechanism for Prostate Cancer Treatment 22 以激素替代療法與化療法相結合治療卵巢癌 Combining Hormone Replacement Therapy with Chemotherapy for Ovarian Cancer Treatment 24 遺傳學理論在結腸直腸癌治療中的應用 Applying Genetic Theory in Colorectal Cancer Treatment 26 新型抗體降低肺癌抗藥性 A New Antibody for Reducing Drug Resistance in Lung Cancer 28 新型多功能藥物助力腫瘤光動力療法 A Novel Multifunctional Drug for Tumour Photodynamic Therapy 30 以多光子活體顯微術探究黑色素瘤血管新生動態 Investigating the Dynamics of Melanoma Angiogenesis with Multiphoton in vivo Microscopy