
學術研究•ACADEMIC RESEARCH 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 61 spatially encode the samples. The gradient-coils create magnetic field gradients in different directions. The spinning frequency of the nuclei is commensurate with the magnetic field they sensed. At the presence of the magnetic field gradient, nuclei at different regions of the sensing area experience dissimilar magnetic fields and thus spin at their individual rates. Hence, by performing Fourier Transform on the acquired signals to analyse their frequency contents, the amplitude of the NMR signals from a specific sample can be gathered. In this imaging-based scheme, we put N samples inside the magnet. They share one radio-frequency coil, which is connected to the CMOS IC. These N samples (N = 18 in our demonstration) are then scanned simultaneously for probing the information of interest. These signals, which contain all information from the N samples, are then recorded and processed in the computer to extract the information for analysis. By using this imaging-based scheme, the measurement speed is accelerated by 4.5 times, as three extra scans are necessary to enhance the SNR of the image, and it could be a full 18-time acceleration if the SNR were not limited. Outlook Compared with the development of CMOS ICs for computing and communication purposes, the IC designed for multidisciplinary research is still in the early stage and research efforts are required to bridge the gap between the scientific research and the advances in micro- and nano-electronics. Designing an IC for multidisciplinary research involves knowledge not only in circuit design but also in other areas such as physics and biology, along with delicate system-level planning. Hence, it will be a challenging research area. Our team will continue to advance in this area, developing CMOS ICs for multidisciplinary research. 18個樣本同時接受掃描,藉此取得有用 的資料,期間產生的訊號包含了所有樣 本的全部資訊,統統會在電腦記錄和處 理以進行後續分析。這個以成像為基礎 的方法比一般方法快了4.5倍。為了強 化圖像的訊噪比,我們在實驗時必須增 加三次額外的掃描。因此,如果對訊噪 比沒有限制,理論上這個方案的測量時 間可以較正常方法快18倍。 展望未來 相比用於計算和通訊用途的CMOS芯 片,設計用作跨學科研究的芯片仍然處 於起步階段。要將微電子與納米電子學 的進展恰當地應用到跨學科研究上,還 需進一步的探索。設計這類芯片不單需 要電路設計的知識,還要求物理、生物 學等多方面的專長,以及精細和具全局 性的規劃,實在充滿挑戰。展望將來, 我們的團隊也會在這方面繼續前進,開 發有助跨學科研究的CMOS芯片。 1. K.‑M. Lei, P.‑I. Mak, M.‑K. Law, and R. P. Martins, “A μNMR CMOS transceiver using a Butterfly‑coil input for integration with a digital microfluidic device inside a portable magnet,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 2274‑2286, Nov. 2016. 2. K.‑M. Lei, D. Ha, Y.‑Q. Song, R. M. Westervelt, R. P. Martins, P.-I. Mak, and D. Ham, “Portable NMR with parallelism,” Analytical Chemistry, vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 2112‑2120, Jan. 2020. 李家明,澳大微電子研究院助理教授。2016年於澳大獲得博士學位,2017至2019年在哈佛大學Donhee Ham教 授的實驗室擔任博士後研究員,至今著有九篇同儕評審期刊論文和九篇會議文章。曾在美國、葡萄牙和意大利主 持講座介紹他的研究。曾合著一本書籍和一篇書籍章節(Springer出版),以及持有一項美國專利。 Lei Ka Meng is an assistant professor in the Institute of Microelectronics at UM. He obtained his PhD degree from UM in 2016. He was a postdoctoral fellow (visiting) in Prof Donhee Ham’s laboratory at Harvard University from 2017 to 2019. He has published nine peer-reviewed journal articles and nine conference papers. He has given technical talks on his research in the United States, Portugal, and Italy. He has also co-authored one book and one book chapter published by Springer. He holds one US patent.