
ACADEMIC RESEARCH•學術研究 2020 UMAGAZINE 22•澳大新語 62 Informed consent is an essential ethical and legal requirement for medical interventions or treatments, which guarantees respect for patients as human beings1. It is a requirement of the lawfulness of medical activities, which are unlawful when a patient’s right to self-decision is violated2. Hence, it is very important that doctors or other legally authorised persons know when and how to obtain informed consent from their patient, in order to avoid its violation and, as a result, criminal liability3. 在醫療手術和治療中,知情同意是一項基本的道德要求和法律要求,確保了對病 人作為人的尊重1。這是確保醫療活動合法性的前提,因為當病人的自決權受到侵 犯,醫療活動就是非法的2。因此,醫生或依法獲許可人士必須知道何時或如何取 得病人的知情同意,以便避免違反病人的知情同意並因此而承擔刑事責任3。 在澳門違反知情同意的刑事責任 Criminal Liability for Violation of Informed Consent in Macao 文/翁文挺‧圖/編輯部‧中文翻譯/陳靜 English Text / Iong Man Teng ‧ Photo / Editorial Board ‧ Chinese Translation / Ruby Chen