
學術研究•ACADEMIC RESEARCH 澳大新語•2020 UMAGAZINE 22 65 semi-public crime. In this case, the Public Prosecutions Office can only initiate a criminal procedure if the offended person, regarded as the holder of offended interest, presents a complaint, and which is presented by other person legally indicated if the offended person dies (article 105/1 and 2). Consequently, without a complaint, the Public Prosecutions Office cannot begin a criminal procedure against the defendant. In conclusion, if doctors or legally authorised persons know how to obtain effective informed consent from their patients, it implies they also know what relevant medical information should be transmitted and how to ensure that their patients clearly understand the transmitted information. For a better understanding, doctors or legally authorised persons should avoid using technical terms and communicate with their patients in an understandable manner11. 意,則意味著他們亦瞭解應該將哪些相 關醫學訊息告知病人,以及如何使病人 充分理解告知的訊息。為幫助病人理 解,醫生或依法獲許可人士應避免使用 技術術語,並以易於理解的方式或語言 與病人溝通11。 1. Entidade Reguladora da Saúde , Consentimento Informado – Relatório Final, May 2009, p.2. 2. Vera Lúcia Raposo, Do ato médico ao problema jurídico – Breves Notas sobre o Acolhimento da Responsabilidade Médica Civil e Criminal na Jurisprudência Nacional, Almedina, 2014, p. 213. 3. 這不是指違反知情同意只會產生刑事責任。這種違反可能同時導致刑事、民事和行政責任。 It does not imply that its violation only generates criminal liability. Its violation may cause criminal, civil and administrative liabilities simultaneously. 4. 如果沒有具體說明,則是指《澳門刑法典》的相關條文。 If there is no specific indication, the norms refer to those of the Macao Penal Code. 5. 這裡例外情況是指「治療特權」,意味著限制或減少對患者澄清訊息,以免產生不良後果。 Cfr. Manuel Leal-Henriques, Anotação e Comentário ao Código Penal de Macau, Vol. III, Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária, 2014, p. 269. This exception refers to ‘therapeutic privilege’ which implies a limitation or reduction of clarification of information to a patient in order to prevent undesirable consequences. Cfr. Manuel Leal-Henriques, Anotação e Comentário ao Código Penal de Macau, Vol. III, Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária, 2014, p. 269. 6. Entidade Reguladora da Saúde, op cit., p. 3. 7. Manuel Leal-Henriques, op. cit. p. 203. 8. 有關資格認定標準的葡萄牙語版本,請見: About the criteria of accreditation in the Portuguese language, see: 9. 但也有意見指出,其應視為第144條所指的傷害身體完整性罪。 Cfr. M. Miguel Garcia, O Direito Penal Passo a Passo, vol. 1, Almedina, 2011, p. 195. Vera Lúcia Raposo, op. cit., p. 172. However, someone considers it as a crime of offence to physical integrity according to article 144. Cfr. M. Miguel Garcia, O Direito Penal Passo a Passo, vol. 1, Almedina, 2011, p. 195. 10. Vera Lúcia Raposo, op. cit., p. 172. 11. Entidade Reguladora da Saúde, op cit., p. 3. 翁文挺,澳門大學法學院高級導師、葡萄牙米尼奧大學法學院博士生及該校「公正及政府體系研究中心」研究 員。他一直致力於研究醫療法律問題,包括民事、刑事和行政上的醫療疏忽、病人安全及病人基本權利等,並在 國際知名期刊發表相關文章。 Iong Man Teng is a senior instructor in the Faculty of Law at UM, a PhD student in the School of Law at the University of Minho in Portugal, and a researcher in the Research Centre for Justice and Governance of the same university. He is committed to researching medico-legal issues, including civil, criminal and administrative medical malpractice, as well as patients’ safety and their fundamental rights. Some of his articles in these fields have been published by internationally renowned journals.