
32 納米技術抑制卵巢癌轉移 Nanotechnology for Regulating Ovarian Cancer Metastasis 34 納米粒子運載藥物高溫摧毀癌細胞 Nanoparticles Carry Drugs and Turn the Heat on Cancer Cells 36 結合中藥天然化合物提升癌症免疫治療效果 Chinese Herbal Products Could Help Immune System Fights Tumours 38 中藥誘導癌細胞程序性壞死 Inducing Necroptosis of Cancer Cells with Chinese Medicine 40 數位微流控技術助篩選腫瘤藥物 Digital Microfluidics for Cancer Drug Screening 專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT 42 高研院打造人文社科研究平台 IAS Creates a Research Platform for Humanities and Social Sciences 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 46 賀佰恩:關注疫情下全球心理健康問題 Brian Hall Addresses Global Mental Health Challenges amid the Pandemic 50 首位提出用水泥製造納米材料——孫國星 Sun Guoxing: The First to Propose the Use of Cement for Nanomaterials 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 56 跨越電子學與核磁共振的矽芯片 Silicon Chips Bridging Electronics and NMR 62 在澳門違反知情同意的刑事責任 Criminal Liability for Violation of Informed Consent in Macao