
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 12 澳門首間現代大學 1594年,澳門第一所高校——聖保祿學 院成立,開啟了區內西式高等教育的先 河。聖保祿學院於1835年被燒毀後未 有復建。直至百多年後,私立東亞大學 在1981年成立,澳門的高等教育史才得 以延續。 1981年3月,Ricci Island West 有限公司 獲澳葡政府批租土地後,黃景強、胡 百熙和吳毓璘創辦了澳門首間現代大 學——私立東亞大學,亦即澳門大學前 身。三位創辦人不約而同認為,只有培 養人才,城市才能真正發展,因此要創 建澳門第一間現代化大學。當時何賢、 崔德祺、馬萬祺及何鴻燊等社會賢達都 紛紛支持,成為東亞大學校董,此外還 有多位東南亞僑領投入資金支持。 The First Modern University in Macao In 1594, the first higher education institution in Macao, St Paul’s College, was established, ushering in a new era of Western‑style higher education in the region. In 1835, the college was destroyed in a fire, with no reconstruction of the building ever attempted. It was not until 1981 that the private University of East Asia (UEA) was founded, restoring higher education in the city that had been interrupted for more than a century. In March 1981, three gentlemen, namely Wong King Keung, Edward Woo Pak Hay, and Peter Eng Yuk Lun, established UEA, the first modern university in Macao and the predecessor of the University of Macau, on a piece of land leased by the local government to Ricci Island West. The three co‑founders believed that only by nurturing talent could the city realise sustainable development. Many prominent community members, including Ho Yin, Chui Tak Kei, Ma Man Kei, and Stanley Ho, supported the new university by serving on the University Council. Many Chinese community leaders from Southeast Asia also contributed funds. 東亞大學的創立,標誌著澳門現代高等教育的開始。 The establishment of UEA signalled the beginning of modern higher education in Macao