
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 13 (左起)薛壽生教授、黃景強博士、 吳毓璘博士、饒宗頤教授、羅慷烈教授、 胡百熙博士於《東亞大學創建記》立碑 典禮合影 (From left) Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng, Dr Wong King Keung, Dr Peter Eng Yuk Lun, Prof Jao Tsung I, Prof Lo Hong Lit, and Dr Edward Woo Pak Hay at a ceremony to unveil the tablet with the inscription of a summary of the founding of UEA 創校校長薛壽生教授 在東亞大學成立典禮 上致辭 上世紀90年代,澳大 為澳門過渡期培養急 需的人才 Founding Rector Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng gives a speech at the inauguration ceremony of UEA In the 1990s, UM nurtured many talent urgently needed during the transitional period leading up to Macao’s handover