
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 14 東亞大學的創立,標誌著澳門現代高等 教育的開始。薛壽生教授獲委任為創校 校長,將國際化作為辦學定位,以英語 作為主要教學語言。建校初期,大學按 英式教育制度設有本科學院、預科學院 和持續教育學院,早期學生大部分來自 香港和外地。 培養過渡期急需的人才 1999年澳門政權交接前的過渡期,澳葡 政府急需解決公務員本地化、法律本地 化、確立中文的官方語言地位三大問題, 於是通過大學培養有關的本地人才。 澳葡政府在1988年通過澳門基金會收 購東亞大學重組。大學其後陸續設立 文學院、工商管理學院、社會科學學 院、科技學院和教育學院。1989年, 科技課程和教育課程設立,培養本地科 技人才和加強本地中、小、幼教師的培 訓。大學還開設法律課程和公共行政課 程。1990年,大學將本科三年制改為 四年制,並將本科學院重組。1991年成 The establishment of UEA signalled the beginning of modern higher education in Macao. Prof Hsueh Shou Sheng was appointed the founding rector of the university, and English was designated the main teaching language. At the time, UEA followed the British academic system and was comprised of a University College, a College of Foundation Studies, and a Continuing Education College. The majority of the students came from Hong Kong and overseas. Nurturing Talent Urgently Needed for the Transitional Period During the transitional period leading up to Macao’s handover, the Portuguese government of Macao was faced with three urgent issues, namely filling civil servant positions with local Macanese or Chinese citizens, making local laws compatible with the new circumstances of Macao, and establishing Chinese as one of the official languages of Macao. None of these could be accomplished without well‑educated university graduates. In 1988, the government acquired UEA through the Macao Foundation and restructured the university, with the university’s School of Arts, Faculty of Business Administration (FBA), Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), 東亞大學早期的學生除了來自澳門,還有很多來自香港和外地。 In addition to Macao, the early students of UEA came from Hong Kong and overseas.