
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 15 Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), and Faculty of Education (FED) established one after another over the following years. In 1989, programmes in science and technology and education were launched, with the former designed to nurture science and technology professionals and the latter aimed at strengthening the training of teachers in local secondary and primary schools and kindergartens. Programmes in law and public administrations were also created. In 1990, undergraduate programmes changed from a three‑year system to a four‑year system and the University College was restructured. In 1991, the Faculty of Law (FLL) was established. Before Macao’s handover, there were 2,865 full‑time students at UM, including 539 master’s and doctoral students. Nurturing Legal Talent for Macao UM has done a lot of work in cultivating bilingual legal talent. In 1996, it launched the first Chinese language law programme. In 2003, it launched the Master of Law in European Union Law, International Law and Comparative Law (English language), 立法學院。至1999年澳門政權交接前 夕,澳大已有全日制學生2,865人,其 中539人為碩士和博士研究生。 培養本地法律人才 澳大不遺餘力培養中葡雙語法律人才, 包括在1996年開辦首屆中文法律課 程,2003年開辦法學碩士學位-歐盟 法、國際法及比較法(英文)課程, 讓澳門、內地、香港等地的學生攻 讀。2014年起,大學開辦五年制的法 學士學位課程(中葡雙語授課),培養 中葡雙語法律人才。法學院成立以 來,為澳門培育了大批法律人 才,畢業生有3,220名。目 前,澳門多數司法官都是 從澳大法學院畢業或曾在 法學院進修。大部分華人 法官、檢察官和律師都是 澳大法學院的畢業生。 立法會議員、律師黃顯輝是 澳大在1988年開辦的第一屆 黃顯輝 Vong Hin Fai 在澳門回歸前後,澳大已成為本地學生的最佳選擇。 UM became the first choice of local students around the time of Macao’s handover to China