
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 16 法學士課程學生,當時澳門完全沒有華人 律師、法官、檢察官,他於是報讀了這個 以葡語授課的法律課程:「當時因歷史給 予的機會可以發展事業,為澳門回歸祖國 參與相關的工作。澳大對於澳門法律人才 的培養做了大量關鍵的工作。」 培養本土工程師 社會進步需要不同專業的人才。科技學 院創院以來,為澳門工程界和科技界培 養大批精英。澳大的工程學在泰晤士高 等教育世界大學學科排名前150。 在澳門電力股份有限公司(澳電),不 少澳大畢業生成為了重要技 術崗位的工程師或負責 人。1993年畢業於電 機電子工程系的鄭 德信,學士畢業繼 續攻讀至博士,現 為澳電的高級工程 師,他說:「澳大 提供了很好的學習 平台、師資及學術 環境,同時澳電亦提 which targeted students from Macao, mainland China, Hong Kong, and overseas. In 2014, it launched a five‑year bachelor’s degree programme in law (conducted in Chinese and Portuguese). Ever since its founding, FLL has produced a large number of legal professionals for Macao. Most of the current judicial officers in Macao either graduated from or studied courses in FLL. The majority of Chinese judges, prosecutors, and lawyers in Macao are FLL graduates. Vong Hin Fai, a lawyer and a Legislative Assembly member, was among the first to graduate from FLL. At the time, there was an acute shortage of Chinese lawyers, judges, and prosecutors in Macao, so Vong decided to apply to the Portuguese language law programme. Looking back, Vong says: ‘We were given the historic opportunity to develop our careers and contribute to the smooth handover of Macao to the motherland.’ Nurturing Local Engineers Change propels progress, and talent is the driving force for change. Since its founding, FST has produced many outstanding engineers and scientists for Macao. The faculty is now ranked among the top 150 in engineering in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject. 科技學院工程課程成立典禮 The Inauguration Ceremony of FST's engineering programmes 鄭德信 Cheang Tak Son