
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 18 培養中葡雙語人才 在澳門獨特的歷史、文化、語言及 地理環境下,澳大在傳播葡萄牙語 言和文化,以及培養具專業葡語能 力的雙語或多語人才方面可謂責無 旁貸。大學早1981年創校時,已通 過文學院開辦葡語科目,1990年更 成立葡文系,該系目前已是葡萄牙 和巴西以外最大的葡語學術單位, 培養中葡雙語人才。 1999年澳門回歸前,在華人為主 的本地社會中,除了土生葡人,只 有極少數華人通曉葡語,大多從事 教育或在政府擔任翻譯。澳門回歸 後,隨著特區政府對培養中葡雙語 人才日益重視,報讀葡文系的學生 也與日俱增,而近年中國和葡語國 家的貿易迅速增長,葡語地位更見 重要。培養更多熟悉葡語的專業人 才,早已是澳門可持續發展的重要 策略。培養中葡雙語人才既要滿足 澳門發展所需,也要服務國家對外 Training Future Teachers for Macao Another mission during the transitional period was to improve the quality of teachers at private secondary and primary schools, because quality pre‑university education would provide the youth with a head start and help enhance overall education quality in Macao, which could in turn have a positive impact on Macao’s development after the handover. It is against this background that UM took a series of initiatives. In 1990, FED launched a four‑year undergraduate programme to train secondary school teachers. Between 1993 and 1999, the faculty graduated more than 1,000 students. Since its founding, the faculty has graduated more than 3,000 students. Many principals and teachers in secondary and primary schools in Macao are FED graduates. Lam Kim U, principal of the Concordia School for Special Education in Macao, was among the first to graduate from FED. She says: ‘The guidance of the professors and the new education theories and skills I learned at UM have been infinitely useful to me.’ Ho Weng Si, who graduated from the Chinese language education programme in 1999, is currently a Chinese 澳大在澳門過渡期擔當起培養中葡雙語人才的重任 UM took up the responsibility of nurturing Chinese‑Portuguese bilingual talent during the transitional period leading up to Macao's handover