
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 19 合作。2009年葡文系畢業的葉進 洲現今長居於葡語國 家安哥拉,與朋 友在當地合資 創業。畢業 那年,他獲 邀至安哥拉 的公司當翻 譯,當時不 是所有人都 看好他到非洲 工作。葉進洲 說:「因為我在澳 大讀葡語、精通葡語,很快贏得了 公司信賴。我還利用語言優勢,不 斷在當地積累經驗和人脈,有助拓 展業務。」 培養社科人才 社會科學學院一直與澳門社會的發展 緊密聯繫,致力培養有創新意識和社 會責任感的學生,其畢業生分佈於各 行各業,有些甚至走上創業之路,以 其所學和研究服務社會。 1995年畢業於英文傳意課程(傳播 系前身)的校友張榮顯,畢業後留校 任教13年後,於2009年成立澳門首 間研究諮詢機構,現時已是互聯網研 究及大數據創業先鋒及實踐者。張榮 顯說:「大學時期的課程培養了創新 的思維,參加學生組織的活動,也有 助我後來帶領團隊;10多年教學及 研究經驗的積累,對 創業創新起到關 鍵的作用。今 日,我的公 司尤其是在 互聯網研究 和大數據分 析方面,基 本上成為引 用參考的權威 來源。」 teacher at Macau Baptist College. She says UM’s education model broadened her horizons and benefited her greatly. ‘What I have learned from UM professors inspired me to be creative in my own teaching when I became a teacher,’ she says. Chan Keng Lim, a graduate of FST and FED, became UM’s first PhD graduate in education in 2012. After graduation, he became a mathematics teacher at Pui Ching Middle School Macau and was eventually promoted to the position of vice principal. He says: ‘The undergraduate and postgraduate education I received at UM taught me the true meaning of education, which is to light the way for the students.’ Nurturing Chinese‑Portuguese Bilingual Talent Because of Macao’s unique history, geographic environment, and cultural and linguistic heritage, the responsibility of nurturing multilingual professionals, particularly those proficient in Portuguese, naturally falls on UM, the leading public comprehensive university in the city. The university launched Portuguese language programmes as early as 1981, when it was just founded. In 1990, the Department of Portuguese was established. After 30 years of development, it is now the largest Portuguese teaching institution outside of Portugal and Brazil. Before the city’s handover in 1999, only Macanese and a handful of Chinese spoke the Portuguese language, and those fluent in the two official languages mostly worked in education or government departments as translators. However, after the handover and the founding of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the SAR government became increasingly aware of the importance of nurturing bilingual talent. As a result, the number of students applying to translation programmes increased steadily. In recent years, with bilateral trade between China and Portuguese‑speaking countries developing rapidly, the Portuguese language has grown increasingly important, and nurturing Portuguese‑speaking professionals has become an important strategy for promoting the sustainable development of Macao. António Ip, an alumnus of UM’s Department of Portuguese, currently lives in Angola, where he and his friends operate a catering business. 葉進洲 António Ip 張榮顯 Angus Cheong