
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 20 培養工商管理人才 工商管理學院經過30多年發展,為澳 門培養了眾多工商業人才,教研成就卓 越,更是澳門首所獲得國際商學院聯合 會認證、工商管理碩士協會認證的 商學院,也是歐洲管理發展基金會 正式會員,擁有完善的人才培養體 系,培育了超過一萬名畢業生,遍 佈世界各地,當中不乏社 會中流砥柱,如澳門 特區政府官員、立 法會議員、高等 院校校長、傑出 企業家等。 太平洋航空​​控 股有限公司集團 創辦人及主席劉 少榮1990年獲工 商管理碩士學位,他 表示在澳大的求學經歷, 為他開拓事業打下強心針。另一位 在1992年取得會計及金融學士學位 的繆子美,現時位居富達基金(香 港)有限公司亞洲股票投資總監, 她說:「當時大學的課程旨於培養 國際通才,課程有助我們發展領導 才能。」 After graduation from UM, he was offered a job as a translator at a company in Angola. While his family and friends were not exactly thrilled about the prospect of him working in an African country, Ip accepted the offer because his eyes were set on bigger goals. ‘My proficiency in Portuguese, thanks to UM’s quality education, quickly earned me the trust of the company. I used my language skills to my advantage to build a social network in Angola, which helped tremendously when I decided to start my own business,’ he says. Nurturing Social Sciences Talent FSS is dedicated to nurturing innovative and socially responsible graduates, and its development is closely linked to the development of the Macao society. FSS graduates are distributed across different industries, and some of them have even started their own businesses to give back to society. Angus Cheong, a UM alumnus who graduated from the English communication programme (the predecessor of the Department of Communication) in 1995, taught at the university for 13 years after graduation. In 2009, he founded Macao’s first research consultancy, which is now a leader in internet research and big data analysis. ‘The education I received at UM 劉少榮(左二)2018年獲澳大頒授榮譽博士學位 Anthony Lau (2nd from left) was conferred an honorary doctorate by UM in 2018 繆子美 Victoria Mio