
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 21 helped me develop an innovative mindset. Participating in the activities organised by student organisations honed my leadership skills, which was very useful when I started my own company,’ says Cheong. ‘More than a decade’s experience in teaching and research also played a crucial role in innovation and entrepreneurship. Today, my company has become an authoritative source of data, especially for those whose job involves internet research and big data analysis.’ Nurturing Future Business Leaders Through 30 years of development, FBA has nurtured many graduates for the local business community. FBA was the first business school in Macao to be accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). It is also a full member of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). It has a well‑developed talent training system and offers programmes at undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Over the years, FBA has graduated more than 10,000 students, who have found employment in different parts of the world. Some of them have become community pillars, serving as government officials, Legislative Assembly members, university heads, and entrepreneurs. Anthony Lau, founder and chairman of Pacific Air Holdings Limited, obtained his master’s degree in business administration from UM in 1990. He credits UM with boosting his confidence about expanding his business. Victoria Mio, director of Asian equities at FIL Investment Management (Hong Kong) Limited, received a bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance from UM in 1992. According to her, at the time, UM’s courses were designed to nurture internationally competitive generalists, with a focus on leadership skills. Another alumnus, Danny Chau, graduated from FBA in 2000. In 2020, he was awarded a fellowship by the London Institute of Banking & Finance, one of the institutes in the United Kingdom that has gained a royal charter. He is grateful to UM for the quality education which helped lay a solid foundation for his career development. 不同年代有不一樣的人才輩出。2000 年畢業於工商管理學院的周可 祺,2020年獲英國皇家特許學會之一 的英國倫敦銀行與金融學院頒授會士名 銜,他表示在澳大的四年學習,為其專 業發展奠定了紮實的根基。 擴生源邁向新的發展階段 1999年,澳門回歸祖國,進入新的 發展階段。澳大在完成配合過渡期 培養人才使命後,增加學科、優化 校園設施、提升師資質素和強化研 究實力,並推動設置一系列新的學 士和碩士課程、調低學費及提供獎 學金和財政支援,學生質素不斷提 升。 東亞大學創校初期,學生主要來自 香港,到了澳門回歸前後,澳大學 生已轉為大部分來自本地。對本地 高中生來說,澳大曾經並非首選。 隨著教研質素提升,加上在2000年 及2001年學費下調,澳大成為本地 學生的最佳選擇。對招收內地學生 時,錄取要求也從高考的二本線提 高到一本線。 高水平的大學不能 只培養本科生, 還要孕育研究生 (碩士和博士), 為社會輸送高層 次人才。澳大從 1993年秋起著力 招收碩士生,由一 個專業增至六個專 業,廣受社會歡迎。 至1999年,大學已有 20個碩士學位課程,擁有400名碩 士生,以及過百名碩士畢業生。澳 大不久更開始招收博士生,1997年 首名博士生畢業。1999年澳門回歸 至今,澳大培養了45,092名各類人 才,推動澳門社會經濟發展,貢獻 殊深。 周可祺 Danny Chau