
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 22 「四位一體」創新教育模式 澳大多年來在特區政府支持下優化軟 硬件,完善人才培養策略,提升競爭 力。2009年,在中央政府和澳門特區 政府支持下,全國人大常委會通過《全 國人民代表大會常務委員會關於授權澳 門特別行政區對設在橫琴島的澳門大學 新校區實施管轄的決定》,同年澳大新 校園奠基。新校園項目體現國家對澳門 人才培養的重視,也為澳大帶來了千載 難逢的機遇。 Entering a New Stage of Student Enrollment After the handover and the establishment of the Special Administrative Region, Macao entered a new era, and so did UM. With the transitional period now coming to an end, the university was faced with an urgent need to adjust its mission to suit the new circumstances. The university accomplished this goal by introducing new disciplines, improving campus facilities, enhancing the quality of the faculty team and their research capacity, launching a series of new bachelor’s and master’s programmes, reducing tuition fees, and providing scholarships and financial aid. The result of these reforms has been a steady increase in both the quantity and quality of students. During the early days after UEA’s founding, most of the students came from Hong Kong. But after Macao’s handover, Macao replaced Hong Kong to become the most important source of students for the university. With the steady increase in the quality of teaching and research and the reduction of tuition fees in 2000 and 2001, UM gradually became the favourite choice of local students. Later, the university also raised admission standards for mainland applicants, requiring applicants to reach the admission marks set by first‑tier, instead of second‑tier, universities in mainland China. 澳大新校園興建前的鳥瞰圖(攝於2009年) A panoramic view of the UM new campus before its construction, in 2009 胡致遠發明的飛行摩托 The flying motorcycle developed by Huber Hu