
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 23 An outstanding university should provide quality education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, for society needs different types of talent. That is why in 1993, UM increased the number of master’s programmes from one to six, which was greeted with an enthusiastic response. By 1999, the university already offered master’s programmes in 20 major areas, with 400 master’s students enrolled, and over 100 graduates with a master’s degree. Soon, the university began doctoral admission and graduated the first doctoral student in 1997. Since 1999, UM has produced 45,092 graduates, who have made significant contributions to social and economic development in Macao. An Innovative ‘4‑in‑1’ Model of Education Over the years, with the support of the Macao SAR government, UM has constantly improved its ‘hardware’ and ‘software’, including talent development strategies, in order to enhance its competitiveness. In 2009, with the support of the central and Macao SAR governments, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress adopted a bill that proposed authorising the Macao SAR to exercise jurisdiction over UM’s new 2014年12月20日,國家主席習近平到澳大考察,期間與書院學生討論中華文化。 On 20 December 2014, President Xi Jinping had a discussion about Chinese culture with students in a residential college during his visit to UM. 新校園於2013年11月5日啟用後,澳大 從氹仔舊校園一所走讀式的社區型大學 逐步提升為書院制綜合型大學,推行融 合專業、通識、研習和社群教育的「四 位一體」教育模式。澳大現設10所住 宿式書院,是亞洲最具規模的住宿式書 院系統,書院與學院制度相輔相成,從 多方位培養人才。科技學院博士生胡致 遠在本科階段住進書院,利用書院創設 的實驗環境研發出無人機和電磁炮,他 說:「書院對學生的支持,有助學生拓 展課餘特長。」 多措施培養高端人才 人才對於澳門邁向產業多樣化舉足輕 重。澳大在2015年推出「澳大濠江人 才計劃」,至今招攪了一批高層次科研 人才,包括來自一流高校的博士生和博 士後研究員。 近年,澳大因應社會發展及市場需求 不斷完善學科建設,重視人才培養在社 會的可應用性,例如在2019年增設工