
培育人才貢獻社會• FOUR DECADES, FOR EDUCATION 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 25 1. 《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》編輯委員會(2014)。《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》。香港:三聯書店(香港)有 限公司。 Editorial Board of The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors.(2014). The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. 2. 李向玉與謝安邦(主編)(2017)。《澳門現代高等教育的發軔——東亞大學的創立和發展》,北京:高等教育出版社。 Lei, H., & Xie, A. (2021). Ao Men xian dai gao deng jiao yu de fa ren— Dong Ya Da Xue de chuang li he fa zhan [The Beginning of Modern Higher Education in Macao—the Founding and Development of the University of East Asia]. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 3. 澳門大學(2006)。《澳門大學銀禧紀念圖冊》。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2006). University of Macau Silver Jubilee Album. Macao: University of Macau. 4. 澳門大學(2011)。<三劍俠創校記——專訪東亞大學創校人>。載於《澳大新語》(第五期)(頁18‑27)。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2011). The Creation of a University‑‑Based on Interviews with the Three Co‑founders of UEA. In UMagazine (5th ed., pp. 18‑27). Macao: University of Macau. 5. 澳門大學(2019)。《燃點夢想與潛能 榮譽學院十週年回顧》。澳門:澳門大學。 University of Macau. (2019). Ignite Your Dreams and Potential Tenth Anniversary of the Honours College. Macao: University of Macau. In recent years, the university has been improving its curriculum based on the changing needs of the fast‑developing society in order to produce graduates who can make a meaningful contribution to society. In 2019, the university launched a doctoral programme in business administration, a master's programme in business administration for senior executives, and a master’s programme in data science. It is now actively preparing for the launch of several other new programmes, including a doctoral programme in applied public administration, a doctoral programme in education, a master’s programme in microelectronics, and a master’s programme in financial technology. In addition, with a ‘3+3+3+3’ new research blueprint in place, the university actively trains multidisciplinary talent. In 2019, UM launched a master’s programme in data science to nurture big data talent. In the future, UM will continue to launch joint post‑doctoral training programmes with Tsinghua University and other world‑class universities. As the anniversary slogan, ‘Set sail anew on the ruby jubilee’, implies: UM is on the threshold of a new era. Looking ahead, UM Rector Yonghua Song says: ‘We want to nurture innovative, high‑calibre graduates to support economic diversification in Macao. But equally important, we want to produce graduates with a love for their homelands, a global mindset, international competitiveness, and a sense of social responsibility. We hope our graduates can use their talents and strengths to develop Macao, serve the country, and contribute to humanity. ’ 學等一流學府成立的聯合博士後培養 項目,冀為社會培養更多優秀人才。 「不惑新航,揚帆追夢!」經過40 年淬礪奮發,澳大正進入前所未有的 發展時期。展望未來,校長宋永華教 授說:「澳大要為澳門多元產業發展 培育更多高水平的創新人才,為澳門 經濟適度多元發展貢獻應有的力量; 同時也要培養具有家國情懷、國際視 野、全球競爭力和世界擔當四大核心 素養的人才,以建設澳門,服務國 家,貢獻人類!」 掃二維碼 觀看「揚帆追夢–澳門大學40年」短片 Scan the QR code for the video 'Set Sail for New Horizons on UM’s 40th Anniversary' 參考書籍: References: