
推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 31 Starting from Scratch For a university that started scientific research from scratch, these are hard‑won achievements. As UM Rector Yonghua Song points out: ‘Macao started relatively late in science and technology development, lagging behind in both quality and scale. However, UM has achieved pleasing results in various fields, including Chinese medical sciences, smart city technology, microelectronic chip design, internet of things, advanced materials, and precision medicine. ’ In 1989, the Teaching Committee of the University of East Asia, the predecessor of UM, established a Research Committee, signalling the official start of the university's research work. In 1993, the university established a scientific research fund. In the same year, the Science and Technology Research Centre under the Faculty of Science and Technology became operational and launched 15 research and development plans. Although UM was still in its infancy in research development at the time, it was already actively working with other institutions on scientific research projects. In 1995, UM launched a series of research projects with Tsinghua University, Peking University, and research institutes under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. In the same year, a team led by Prof Rui Martins, a microelectronics expert and a vice rector of UM, developed the first chip, ‘UMChip’, using complementary metal‑oxide‑semiconductor technology, and launched it at an international seminar. It was a major breakthrough in the university’s research efforts. 科研從零開始 今日碩果纍纍,實在得來不易。正如澳 大校長宋永華教授指出:「澳門科技發 展起步晚、技術相對差,體量小,但澳 大在中醫藥質量、智慧城市、微電子芯 片設計、城市物聯網、先進材料、精準 醫學等方面還是取得了可喜成績。」 1989年,澳大前身東亞大學的教學委 員會設立研究委員會,象徵大學的研究 工作正式開始。1993年,大學設立科 研基金,同年科技學院的科學和技術研 究中心開始運作,推出15項研究和發 展計劃。當時澳大科研雖然剛剛起步, 但已經和其他院校積極合作,例如在 1995年與清華大學、北京大學、中國 科學院轄下的研究所等開展了一系列科 研項目。同年,由微電子專家、現任澳 大副校長馬許願教授帶領的團隊採用互 補式金屬氧化物半導體技術研發出首款 芯片「UMChip」,並在國際研討會公 佈,是澳大科研的重大突破。 全球首部中葡電子辭典「中葡通」 澳大在1999年發佈中葡通 澳大憑「電度表脈衝轉換器」在1999獲得第一個科技專利 PCT, the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese electronic dictionary In 1999, UM launches PCT, the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese bilingual audio dictionary. UM received its first patent in 1999 for the watt‑ hour metre pulse converter