
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 32 到了1999年澳門回歸祖國時,澳大已 有一些科技成果,包括全球首部中葡電 子辭典「中葡通」和「電度表脈衝轉換 器」,後者在同年12月獲中國國家知識 產權局授予專利權,是澳大首個科技發 明專利。至2020年底,澳大已有近100 項發明專利,數量是10年前的10倍,遍 及生物醫學、中醫藥、計算機科學、電 氣電子、機械、微電子、微流控等領域。 回歸以來飛躍發展 澳大科研發展離不開澳門政權移交後特 區政府對科技創新的大力投入。另一 方面,澳大2014年全面遷至位於橫琴 島的現校園,科研環境和設施大為躍 升,也為其科技成果轉化締造堅實的 新基礎。 2004年,澳門科學技術發展基金成 立,歷年來支持澳大大量科研項目,當 中不少甚具產業化潛力。2011年,澳 By the time Macao returned to the motherland in 1999, UM had already developed the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese electronic dictionary ‘PCT’, and a watt‑hour metre pulse converter. The latter earned UM a patent from China National Intellectual Property Administration in December of the same year, which is the university’s first-ever patent. By the end of 2020, the number of patents held by UM had increased ten times to nearly 100, covering such fields as biomedicine, traditional Chinese medicine, computer science, electrical and electronics engineering, machinery, microelectronics, and microfluidics. Rapid Development since the Handover The rapid progress of scientific research at UM would not have been possible without the Macao government’s heavy investment in technological innovation after the city’s handover. In 2014, UM moved to the current campus on Hengqin Island. The improved scientific research environment and facilities on the new campus laid a solid new foundation for technology transfer. 澳大在2020年澳門科學技術獎囊括近七成奬項 UM wins nearly 70 per cent of the Macao Science and Technology Awards in 2020