
推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 33 In 2004, the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government established the Science and Technology Development Fund. Over the years, the fund has supported a large number of scientific research projects from UM, many of which have great industrialisation potential. In 2011, the SAR government established three types of science and technology award, namely the Natural Science Award, the Technological Invention Award, and the Science and Technology Progress Award. In the first award ceremony held in 2012, UM won nine Science and Technology Awards and 19 Scientific and Technological R&D Awards for Postgraduates, eclipsing all other higher education institutions in Macao. Of the six recipients of the Technological Invention Award, which aims to recognise ‘individuals who use scientific and technological knowledge to invent new products, new technologies, or new processes with market value’, four were from UM. By the end of 2020, 20 out of the 28 Technological Invention Awards presented in the previous years were won by UM scholars, which shows the market potential of UM’s scientific research. 門特區政府設立三類科學技術獎,分別 為自然科學獎、技術發明獎、科技進步 獎。在2012年舉行的首屆頒獎禮中, 澳大獲九項科學技術獎,以及19名博 士及碩士研究生獲得「研究生科技研發 獎」,為本澳高等院校獲獎數量之冠。 其中,澳大成員獲頒六項技術發明獎中 的四項,該技術發明獎是授予「運用科 學技術知識發明出具有市場價值的新產 品、新技術或新工藝的人士」。截至 2020年底,歷屆頒發的28項技術發明 獎中有20項由澳大學者奪得,足見澳大 科研的市場潛力。 微電子科研成果 澳大在2003年成立模擬與混合信號超 大規模集成電路實驗室,2010年升格 為國家重點實驗室,成為澳門第一個工 程學領域的國家重點實驗室,由澳大副 校長馬許願教授出任創始主任,目前該 澳大研發的多代芯片 Different versions of UMChips