
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 34 團隊的微電子研究成果已達國際一流。 在2019年國際固態電路研討會上,來 自該實驗室的芯片論文發表量達全球第 二,僅次於Intel(英特爾)。 微電子研究團隊為澳大開創了多個第一 次。2001年,澳大參與創辦了澳門第 一間集成電路設計研發公司——希迪亞 微電子(澳門)有限公司(現為新思科 技)。2009年,現任微電子研究院副 院長麥沛然教授為主力的團隊憑「用於 多制式接收器的雙階段頻道選取技術」 ,為澳大取得首項在美國註冊的科技 專利。2011年,實驗室的三位學者余 成斌、麥沛然、冼世榮更藉「高性能模 擬與混合信號集成電路技術的設計與開 發」這一芯片設計項目,獲頒2011年度 國家科學技術進步獎二等獎,是首次有 澳門科研人員獲此國家級獎項。三人均 從小在澳門接受教育,並在澳大獲博士 Microelectronics Research The Analog and Mixed‑Signal VLSI Laboratory was established in 2003. When it was elevated to the status of a state key laboratory in 2010, it became Macao’s first state key laboratory in the field of engineering, with UM Vice Rector Prof Rui Martins serving as its founding director. Today, the laboratory is a global leader in microelectronics research. At the 2019 International Solid‑State Circuits Conference, the number of chip‑related papers published by the laboratory ranked No 2 in the world, second only to Intel. The microelectronics research team has created a notable record of ‘firsts’ for UM. In 2001, UM participated in the founding of Chipidea, Macao’ s first integrated circuit company and the predecessor of the current Synopsys. In 2009, a team led by Prof Mak Pui In, the current associate director of the university’s Institute of Microelectronics, obtained UM’s first patent from the United States for a project titled ‘Two‑Step Channel Selection for Wireless 基於微流控技術的斑馬魚篩選系統 A zebrafish screening system based on microfluidic technology 數字型微流控檢測芯片快速檢測套 裝「病毒獵手」 Virus Hunter, a digital‑microfluidic‑chip‑based system for rapid virus detection