
推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 35 學位,證明澳門人在澳門也能創出前沿 的科技成果。 近年,微電子研究團隊的成員在大學支 持下成立企業,將科技成果產業化。其 中,2018年成立的迪奇孚瑞生物科技 有限公司是澳大首間衍生公司,由澳大 學者和畢業生組成,在2020年新冠病 毒肺炎爆發初期,該公司運用澳大的芯 片專利技術,推出數字型微流控檢測芯 片快速檢測套裝「病毒獵手」,可於30 分鐘內完成病毒檢測。 中醫藥科研成果 中醫藥是澳大科研另一亮點。澳大的中 醫藥研究團隊開發了不少創新藥物、健 康產品,以及參與制訂歐盟和美國藥典 中藥標準,為中醫藥走進國際市場創 造有利條件。澳大在2002年成立中華 醫藥研究所(現稱中華醫藥研究院)。 Transmitter Front‑Ends’. In 2011, Prof Mak, along with two other faculty members of the laboratory, namely Prof U Seng Pan and Prof Sin Sai Weng, received a second prize of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award, for their project on the design and development of high‑performance analogue and mixed‑signal integrated circuit technology. It was the first time that researchers from Macao received this prestigious national award. The fact that the three recipients were all educated in Macao, and received doctoral degrees from UM, made the good news even more encouraging for the local scientific community. In recent years, the microelectronics research team has established several companies to facilitate technology transfer. Digifluidic, a biotechnology company established in 2018, was the first company for this purpose, with UM scholars and alumni as the core members. After the novel coronavirus outbreak in 2020, the company used a UM‑patented technology to successfully develop a digital‑microfluidic‑chip‑based system called ‘Virus Hunter’, which can complete the virus detection process within 30 minutes. 澳大已完成美國藥典及歐洲藥典等10多項中藥標準 UM has completed more than ten Chinese medicine standards, including those in the US Pharmacopeia and the European Pharmacopeia.