
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 36 在研究院時任院長王一濤教授率領的 澳門中醫藥學者團隊努力下,中藥質量 研究國家重點實驗室在2011年掲牌, 是全國首個中醫藥領域的國家重點實驗 室。2012年,澳大與美國藥典委員會 就中藥標準聯合實驗室簽署協議,成為 全球首間與該委員會建立中藥質量標準 開發合作實驗室的高等院校。目前,澳 大已完成美國藥典及歐洲藥典等10多項 中藥標準。 澳大的中醫藥研究在本地、全國和國 際場合屢獲殊榮。2016年,澳大與 北京協和醫學院—清華大學醫學部等 完成的「中草藥DNA條形碼物種鑒定 體系」獲得國家科學技術進步獎二等 獎。2019年,澳大研發的「創新中藥系 列產品」和「基於微流控技術的斑馬魚篩 選系統」在第47屆日內瓦國際發明展獲 頒「發明金獎」,前者包括中藥固液膠 囊和新型顆粒劑兩個系列共六個產品, 是澳門首個獲此殊榮的「現代中藥」創 新產品。 Achievements in Chinese Medical Sciences Chinese medical sciences is another research area in which UM has achieved impressive results. For instance, the university has developed many innovative drugs and health products, and has participated in the development of pharmacopoeial conventions for Chinese medicine in Europe and the United States, creating favourable conditions for Chinese medicine to enter the international market. In 2002, UM established the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS). With the joint effort of a team of Chinese medicine scholars in Macao, led by Prof Wang Yitao, then director of ICMS, the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL‑QRCM) was officially inaugurated in 2011 and became the first state key laboratory of Chinese medicine in China. In 2012, UM signed an agreement with the United States Pharmacopeial Convention for the establishment of a joint laboratory. It was the first time that the organisation collaborated with a higher education institution in establishing quality standards for Chinese medicine. So far, UM has completed more than ten Chinese medicine standards, including those in the US Pharmacopeia and the European Pharmacopeia. 澳大獲國家批准於2011年設立模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室及中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室 In 2011, UM receives approval from the central government to establish two state key laboratories, namely the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed‑Signal VLSI, and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine.